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[BUG] I&A Altis not running on dedi server


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Hey, folks


I'm attempting to run I&A Altis 2.14, 2.36, and/or 2.50 on my dedicated server. What happens is:


The server starts up.

I select Altis 2.36 from the mission selection.

I select a character.

I do not edit mission parameters.

I click okay.

Leads to briefing screen.

Click, "Continue," to begin the game.

Stalls, here. After which no one can join (they are stuck at the loading screen with the map).


I have attempted every parameter change after this, multiple iterations of the map, and even attempted editing the mission file (enabling or disabling "debug" mode, depending on what each was set to on each iteration).


I have not used any previous versions on this server, it has never gotten past this point. Unfortunately, I host through gameservers.com and their log files that I have access to do not cover the, "read from bank," messages.


I am unsure of what to do next. Does anyone else have this issue?

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how long are you actually waiting for it to load up? sometimes it can take up to 3 minutes on our dedicated servers from a brand new boot of the box. especially if 20+ people are connected at the same time to the server while trying to load the mission.

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how long are you actually waiting for it to load up? sometimes it can take up to 3 minutes on our dedicated servers from a brand new boot of the box. especially if 20+ people are connected at the same time to the server while trying to load the mission.


I didn't time it, but if I had to guess, it was ~10 minutes while I was the only one connected. I've sent a support ticket to my server hosts to get the logs for further information. Thank you for the reply!

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