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Dedicated Pararescue Team for added Combat Realism

Ray (PHL)

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I have a suggestion.

Will it be great if there are designated medics, a.k.a. pararescuemen, attached to a chopper team who will pick-up
the wounded from the AO back to base to completely heal them?

In doing so, combat medics in the field can only delay the count-down timer and bleeding state of a wounded soldier rather than
heal them back completely.

Furthermore, there should be a building or a hospital where the wounded soldiers will be brought into
to recuperate for their injuries. The process will be similar to having a vehicle or chopper getting repairs at designated areas in the base.

I know it will suck for other players but this game is about realism. In turn, players will be cautious enough not to expose themselves
in the AO because they will know that once they're hit, they'll have to undergo this lengthy process.

Ambulances too is also an alternative if the AO is too hot for choppers.

A reference video to better understand how Pararescue men work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOtegk7F1_g

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You could do it now, get a medic sitting on the AH9 or and mh9 and find a pilot who doesn't mind getting shot out of the cockpit, hit by missiles etc


I fit that pilot description as long as someone takes out the chopper if it survives. Finding a daredevil-like dedicated medic is another matter.. :P

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I can tell you right now, with how large Altis and having a respawn button, no one is going to lay on the ground for a medivac, then wait to get back to base to get revived and then taken back to the AO again to fight more only to die shortly after and have to go through the whole process again. it is just so much more convient to click respawn if no medics are around and go back out to battle.


Don't get me wrong this is a good concept for a reality game night type mission.


I just do not see this type of thing working out on a public server where people just want to go out and kill stuff, rather then wait around for a mdeivac/pararescue

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  • 2 weeks later...

Copy that, Jester. Let us set this matter aside.


I do have another thought in mind. In Invade & Annex, we all know this is a cooperative mission, and there are times when you play the game again and again, it gets (hmmm) kind of dull/boring.

To hype things up, may I suggest an improvement for Invade & Annex. The game is designed for Bluefor to invade and annex Opfor, right?

Why not, from time to time, Opfor will also invade and annex Bluefor's base?

Like we (Bluefor) are heading to an AO or we are currently in the AO then suddenly we have to defend our base from attacking forces.

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Copy that, Jester. Let us set this matter aside.


I do have another thought in mind. In Invade & Annex, we all know this is a cooperative mission, and there are times when you play the game again and again, it gets (hmmm) kind of dull/boring.

To hype things up, may I suggest an improvement for Invade & Annex. The game is designed for Bluefor to invade and annex Opfor, right?

Why not, from time to time, Opfor will also invade and annex Bluefor's base?

Like we (Bluefor) are heading to an AO or we are currently in the AO then suddenly we have to defend our base from attacking forces.


in the works. I&A 3 will have this type of stuff. :)

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I have a suggestion.

Will it be great if there are designated medics, a.k.a. pararescuemen, attached to a chopper team who will pick-up

the wounded from the AO back to base to completely heal them?

In doing so, combat medics in the field can only delay the count-down timer and bleeding state of a wounded soldier rather than

heal them back completely.

Furthermore, there should be a building or a hospital where the wounded soldiers will be brought into

to recuperate for their injuries. The process will be similar to having a vehicle or chopper getting repairs at designated areas in the base.

I know it will suck for other players but this game is about realism. In turn, players will be cautious enough not to expose themselves

in the AO because they will know that once they're hit, they'll have to undergo this lengthy process.

Ambulances too is also an alternative if the AO is too hot for choppers.

A reference video to better understand how Pararescue men work: http://www.yout



I like the idea but it is not compatible with the current I&A mission, IMO. with respect to gameplay.




That said, when I fly the MH-9 I usually co-ordinate with a Medic and Repair specialist for certain tasks, but it is not formal.





Here is a problem with you idea ...



when you have casualties down in the field, they are usually in 'hot' areas.


combine that with the 10/10 enemy AA defenses who can fire a Titan up your ass from 5km away ... It is not a situation where CSAR (combat search & rescue) can operate effectively.



If you want tactical inserts/extracts like that to be feasible, the mission would have to be altered to drastically reduce the capabilities of enemy guided AA, instead giving them RPGs instead of Titan launchers. If that was done, then yes it would be possible.

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