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Hi, Kilroy is here


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So one day I casually came across one of your Invade and Annex servers, and I loved every bit  of it, it had fun missions and good comunity, so I decided to look further and here I am. Expecting more fun with ARMA 3 and maybe even Minecraft.


A little about me:

Kilroy comes from the kilroy was here graffity from WW2

I'm from Spain, but my English is pretty good (I still may have trouble expressing myself, and stutter a bit in voice chat)

I'm 16 years old.

My connection is not the best....at all....like...it kinda sucks (I dont have a lot of lag, but sometimes I lose connection) :,(

Im not super good at Arma, but I can defend myself.

Fun fact, Altis came out on my birthday BEST PRESENT EVAR


See you in the EU2 battlefield!

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