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Less of an Introduction, more of a farewell.


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As the title suggests, this isn't an introduction, but this seems the most relevant place to post it.


I am unfortunately going to have to leave the community. There are a whole bunch of reasons;

  • Time Management - I simply cannot dedicate the gaming time to the community, or to any assisted development with any of the missions.
  • On the note of 'assisted development', no matter what I did or how I offered to or actually helped, none of my contributions, ideas or works were taken seriously except by a very select few.
  • Your community now pretty much has more 'admins' than it does players. Some players who have been granted or 'upgraded' to these positions are essentially then treating the privilege as a 'clique' club, playing only with their 'group of accepted friends' and pretty much ignoring other players who attempt to teamplay with them.
  • I understand I can be playful and immature at times, and this might upset some of you more 'strict' players who want a super-strict-military-simulator out of Arma; but honestly, it was all in good spirit and some of you just can't understand that.
  • I can take a hint.


I'm sorry to anyone this doesn't apply to, playing with most of you guys has been a privilege that I won't forget, and I hope to enjoy playing with you at times in the future - I can however not commit any more time to a community where I am being pushed to the side and outcasted by even the staff. 


I have tried to help with the development of the missions and to help improve the quality of the game, I have even worked on my own mission that you guys hosted for a short period of time when the BETA was staged on the dev branch (which proved to be the most popular mission on there at the time); but everything I did was either discarded, ignored or taken and bastardised. 


I gladly gave the previously mentioned mission to Jester to develop further, and this was very quickly met with him being dragged aside by a core staff member as soon as it was mentioned, and upon returning, nothing was ever mentioned about the mission again, nor was recognition granted to me for the original mission development. 


I'm sick of it. I joined your community because I thought you guys were open, friendly and non-clique, the first few weeks were great - you accepted people with open arms and we quickly became friendly. Now... it's just different. 


I wish you guys all the luck in the world, but my final passing comment will be that you've expanded your administrative team too fast and without enough thought. This is coming from someone who manages a community of a couple thousand. I strongly urge you to consider just who has access. Today I was kicked from an Arma 3 server for having a laugh with a couple of players, and while the kick may have been in jest, it was unwarranted and I was in the middle of a game.


- Aaron "noms" Challis


While 75% of the above post still stands, and that I am still upset with the state of some things, I think I overreacted while I was in a particularly tired and bad mood. 


I'd like to make it clear that I'd still love to play the games with you guys - playing has never been the issue. I will however not be nearly as active in the community, and I will not be involved in any more development or scripting.


I apologise if I have upset anyone by my words, but some of them had to be said.

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Dunno whether you're just leaving the Arma community or AW altogether, but, it's gonna be sad to see you go if its the whole of AW. I for one can say we will all miss the french jokes on FTB chat.


Ah well, wish you luck with whatever you go on to do, friend.


Have fun :)

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Gonna be sad to see you go. I for one can say we will all miss the french jokes on FTB chat.


Ah well, wish you luck with whatever you go on to do, friend.


Have fun :)


I'll likely still play Minecraft with you guys, I was mostly referring to community involvement and Arma play. I haven't finished my factory yet. ;-)

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best of luck out there without us here to back you up on wearing Chinos or Jeans, anyhorse come back any time if you want to have a chat. (I'm assuming that people are agreeing with me and I won't get shanked in the back by Al and his big knife  ;)

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I think I can safely say this post was written when I was having a particularly bad mood-swing, or a 'man-period'. I think what I really wanted to say is that I won't be as active or involved with any development any more, and I'd just like to play the games. I honestly haven't got time or the patience these days for anything else.

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best of luck out there without us here to back you up on wearing Chinos or Jeans, anyhorse come back any time if you want to have a chat. (I'm assuming that people are agreeing with me and I won't get shanked in the back by Al and his big knife  ;)


erm, what now?


If I am going to shank somebody it will be in the sternum and I will be telling them why they are being shanked.

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I think I can safely say this post was written when I was having a particularly bad mood-swing, or a 'man-period'. I think what I really wanted to say is that I won't be as active or involved with any development any more, and I'd just like to play the games. I honestly haven't got time or the patience these days for anything else.


i know that feel.


Feel free to just play the damn game and enjoy yourself, sometimes i like to play without TS, nothing against anybody but sometimes it's just something i personally do to relax.


Whatever it is Noms feel free to come and go as you please, there is no obligation to stay or do anything you don't want to but know that you are welcome to game with me :)


Everybody has their ups and downs.

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