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Minecraft: The revamp.


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Now then, it's no big secret that Invade & Annex has always been the primary AhoyWorld project leaving Minecraft (which we've actually hosted longer) to be neglected and left aside.
This neglect however is all about to change, in the next few days we'll be rolling out some new minecraft changes and features to our vanilla server.
This first major change in our vanilla server is that we'll have not only one server, but three main servers with an extra mini server on the side.
Our four new servers will be:

  • Survival

Just like the current world, this will all be carried over.

  • Creative

A creative world with no limits to let your imagination fly!

  • Hub world

This is an entirely new map to AhoyWorld, this'll be an entirely seperate world with portals leading out to both the Survival and Creative servers. This map will have mobs and PvP turned off (the only way to die here is to drown or to fall).

  • Event world

Every so often we'll hold minecraft events, access to these events will be through a permanent portal on the Hub world with the destination changing for each event.

I'll leave you with a few pictures of our progress so far, all we can really say is that we're working really really hard getting it ready for a full rollout!









We'd love your feedback and thoughts on this, fire at will!

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I like it, but I need to know when to sacrifice my virgins to Cthulhu


3rd notch (7am) every 7th Wednesday.


Quite how I could make the calender I'll never know. Maybe repeaters in a massive line that forms a day?

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