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Hey hey,


Not really good at this but I figured I'd drop in and say hellooooo. I've spent half my life in Britain and the other half in Canada, confused as to which I consider myself so I'll just go with Branadian. Been playing since Flashpoint, I have very little free time, but what time I do have I enjoy avoiding orders from my new wife and smoking excessively. I do NOT enjoy taking long walks on the beach, I hate flying, I love tuna fish, and I have an extensive collection of movies from the 80's......that's right. Anyhow, Ahoy World is a fantastic server and aside from the odd twit, it's full of great players and pilots who actually do their best to get folks from point A to point B, and medics who are aware of the incompatibilities between computer generated bullets and people. Nice to meet you fellows/felines.

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