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Hi soldiers


Name is Rotten


Been playing since Operation Flashpoint with all the Armed Assaults following. (yea i´m an old fuck)


I really enjoy your servers with the co-op minded folks and the close-by admins. Great frames per second on my old engine and an even better connection. With my only 16mbits down i get a decent 15-20 ms.


As good as it gets.


So i will definitely stay loyal to this server.


Meet you guys on the battlefield.






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Name is Rotten


Been playing since Operation Flashpoint with all the Armed Assaults following. (yea i´m an old fuck)





Nice try young'un.

I lay claim to being the eldest grognard on Stratis (soon Altis :)).

How about RGB PT Boat on 512 floppy.


Welcome aboard and I'll see ya on the Field.



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