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The Future is Insanely Immersive


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Well, it's official. The future of gaming is absolutely incredible. Here's a 32-year-old developer from Australia that's put together a short demo on how the Oculus Rift together with the Razer Hydra can create, what I believe, to be the most fantastic-looking gaming experience ever. Let's watch.



There are articles about this everywhere, but the one I read is here.

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No thanks, I hate this "your body is the controller" crap, occulus will be great, but i'm happy to sit on my arse and use the mouse and keyboard thanks :P


You kidding me? This shit doesn't look fun to you?

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Can't wait to get my oculus rift :P *Counts pennies* 


I do feel for some games though the whole "VR" type situation will become a pain but for several games it would be amazing, Horror games will be interesting :D roll on FEAR, Dead space etc. 


One of my personal favourite points of Oculus Rift will be allowing a cheaper alternative to 3d gaming which currently costs through the roof, and for around £200 you've got yourself a pretty good bargain imo. 

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I had a go with an Oculus Rift today and I was really impressed. It's definitely the way forward for gaming and I can see myself buying the consumer version as soon as it comes out. 


One of the best things about it is the sense of depth. It makes gaming on a screen seem very... flat. When gaming on a screen you wouldn't think twice about skipping the stairs and jumping over a rail, but now you can feel the height you think twice! I spent 1 minute just looking over a balcony thinking, 'woah, I'm really high up!'


It's really imerssive even with a controller for movement and controls, pressing forward on controller still felt normal to me, I didn't feel the need to move about and reach out for things which I wasn't expecting.  


I just want it to replace my Track IR in sims like Assetto Corsa and DCS, it'll be alright in other games but those are the ones I think it will be best for!


It would be ideal for racing games. I think it would complete the racing sim experience when accompanied with a good wheel and pedals. You could look at your mirrors too which would usually be off screen without having to press a key!


My only gripe would be the resolution, 720p is really pixely close up! But they are addressing that in the consumer version! :) 

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At the gym tonight I wondered how they would emulate forward backward and rotational movement of the player. I imagine a cross trainer for your legs, but the rotational movement still eludes me. Remember how many times our mothers, gfs and wives have said "Playing games is bad for you, get out and exercise". Well in this new world we would be the fittest dudes around after running up and down the mountains of Stratis. :D


Surely it would work better to run around in the real world with augmented reality goggles?


There is an excellent novel by Charles Stross: Halting State about immersive augmented reality games, MMORPG game crime and espionage set in the near future. A must read for any hardcore gamer.

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after a night of arma3, nothing in my room would be left standing... :D


Such fantastic images in my mind of you gloriously firing imaginary weaponry, saving lives, bailing out of choppers and running from gunfire, while everything in real life around you is smashed, broken and, oddly, on fire.


Also, this shit just gets better. Head to 1:43 for an example of how scary this shit is with the Rift.


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No thanks, I hate this "your body is the controller" crap, occulus will be great, but i'm happy to sit on my arse and use the mouse and keyboard thanks :P


I agree, its just putting a screen in front of your face.  I predict eye strain for 1 thing!  "Wow so immersive its like I am in the game *turns round suddenly when he hears a noise* *Cracks head open on TV Boom (or any other object really)"  So now you played such an immersive game that it led to your untimely death I hope your happy!  God!  WHY CANT I JUST PLAY MY GAME.  I HATE ALL THE F******* CRAP THAT GET SHOVELED AT YOU!  THE KINECT!?  THE KINECT?  SO GREAT I NOW HAVE A PERVY CONSOLE!?!?!?


THE MOVE CAN JUST MOVE OUT THE WAY, 3D MONITORS?  WHY?!?!? Wish their were company thats could make COMPETENT gaming experiences instead of making rubbish ans saying it has motion controls or having what is a mediocre game propped up by either having an interesting art style or Uber-Graphics.  If you need extra stuff like the oculus or 3D monitors you need to take a look at your attention span.  


I lose my self in Caesar 3, Civ 4, Minecraft, Patritian III and IV and its not the graphics that are immersive its the game play.  Even games that by todays standards are terrible looking stand the test of the time because the gameplay remains timeless.  Mount and Blade is another example it has used the same engine for 5 Years on and it was dismissed for having poor graphics then.  Now its one of the most popular series of games out their.  With a huge community and mods which just help the success continue.  Why is this possible, good gameplay pulls you in, anyone that goes "I am not playing that it looks terrible" is welcome to that opinion in the meantime I am going to play some awesome games that look like they are rough around the edges!


and breath


if you read this far hope you enjoyed the rant.

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Just a note here: I actually love oculus rift and think it will be great in lots of games, I just don't want to have to leave my relaxing, comfy chair to use it for the benefit of a few people who are too lazy to actually go outside and do some exercise. Who honestly wants to come home from a long day at work and then have to physically jump around in order to play their favourite game?


Fair enough it'd be fun at parties or in an arcade but standing and crouching and crawling around alone in your room? Pretty sad.

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