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[DCS] AhoyWorld Visits Syria: Convoy Protection - 08/10/2022 @ 18:00 UTC


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AhoyWorld Visits Syria



AhoyWorld's assistance has been requested by ally Turkey, who is currently in a territorial dispute with Syria.


A claimed airbase, Minakh Is in need of a fuel resupply. The fuel will be transported by convoy. Our mission is to drive (mix of waypoints and driven by combined arms dlc owners) and protect the convoy as it makes its way through the disputed territory.


It is expected the convoy will be attacked by Syrian backed insurgents and potentially Syrian forces themselves.



Drive and escort the convoy from Hatay to Minakh



Server Details:

Name: [Ahoyworld.net] EU1 


Port: 10308 

Running on Open Beta


Password: see #dcs-world channel on discord




Port: 5002


Required Mod/Map:

Simple Radio Standalone (SRS)

Install/setup guide: http://dcssimpleradio.com/gettingstarted/



TS Address:

Brief will take place in Ready room on TeamSpeak prior to start up.



Player slots:

x4 F/A-18C

x4 F-16 

x2 F-14B

x1 Su-25T

x2 M2000C

x4 A-10CII

x2 AV-8B

x4 AH-64D

x2 Ka-50

x2 Mi-24P CTLD

x2 Mi-8MTV2 CTLD

x4 Gazelle (Mistral, M, L, Minigun) CTLD


x1 Observer ATC/GCI

x3 JTAC operator

x3 Tactical Commander


Respawn slots available.

- Respawn slots at WP 2


Last call for slot requests Friday night (7th)


Targets & Threats


  • Insurgents
  • Syrian Armed Forces


Required weapon employments


Air to Air & Air to ground Weapons of choice.


Restricted Weapons




Command, Control & Communication

Overall command may be taken by anyone on the day.

Flight leaders will be selected on the day.

Radio Channels can be found below. (SRS is required to play this mission)




(Carrier details can be found on in game brief)


Flight plan 


(may be changed by command on the day)

Current starting airfields, carrier & FARP:

- Hatay

Convoy route marked by cyan line


  • Tactical commander will order the convoy and any desired ground-based escorts to drive the route to Minakh.
  • Helicopters will fly alongside the convoy while jets take off and assume loitering positions and await CAS calls from tactical commander.
  • In the event a jet or helicopter is shot down any CSAR helicopters will recover the pilots.
  • Once the convoy has reached their destination helicopter flights may land at Minakh while jets return to Hatay and Carriers.





Required Skills:

  1. Radio usage (setting and switching channels)


Optional Skills:

  1. Air to Air Refuelling
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