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Parachute script



always wanted to not lose ur current backpack for a parachute?

this woud be a cool addition to I&A i think.

super leet script

_backpackcontents = [];
_backpack = backpack player;

if ( _backpack != "" && _backpack != "B_Parachute" ) then {
    hint "removing backpack";
	sleep 1;
    _backpackcontents = backpackItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    sleep 0.1;
player addBackpack "B_Parachute";
hint "Parachute added";
sleep 1;

waitUntil {sleep 5;!alive player || isTouchingGround player };
sleep 1;
hint "restoring backpack";
player addBackpack _backpack;
sleep 1;
clearAllItemsFromBackpack player;
hint "restoring backpack items";
{ player addItemToBackpack _x } foreach _backpackcontents;
hint "Done!!!!";


neds some rework XD

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Yes please, so many times while in the AT role I've been taken up high and told to jump.  I do enjoy parachuting, I've done it for real and man what a buzz even though I get nervous when up a ladder or on a rooftop.  Anyway again yes please, I would like to be able to jump in game and not lose my kit.  My 2 main roles are AT or Medic, I need my backpacks for these.

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