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Our Benefactors #1 @ 21/08/2022 18:00 UTC


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Our Benefactors

Modset required


(Bunch of new mods, optionals are still allowed)



A full earth rotation after the invasion that led to the 7 hour war, the Combine, our Benefactors, has seized control. They are the acting Government, Judges, Military and Police. However on some remote islands, including Altis, an insurgency spiked quickly and started working with the military trying to surpress the Combine. However, the Combine proved dangerous and with superior gear, they manage to overthrow the acting government and effectively seizing Altis. However, the insurgency still lurks and it sparks combat in high population cities.



- x4 Combine Assault Teams

- x1 Strider



- The insurgency



Assist in the ongoing fight in Kavala. Seize the insurgency. Detain or kill anyone involved.



These Half Life missions will be without ACE, since the mod's mechanics won't cooperate with ACE. Feel free to discuss this in #awe-chat

AW Half Life.html AW_Half_Life.html

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  • SiegeSix changed the title to Our Benefactors #1 @ 21/08/2022 18:00 UTC

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