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I&A3: Whitelist rifles not in arsenal?

JJ Cakes


Playing with Damo tonight he went bingo on ammo as a designated marksman and couldn't pickup an enemy rifle until we finally killed an enemy with a DMR because load out restrictions. I could see the same thing happening if you're playing as AR/sniper.  I tried to give him my SPAR-16 which just resulted in my rifle getting deleted.


How about all "base" rifles are whitelisted but the restrictions in the arsenal remain?  That way players can loot rifles and ammo when the need arises. 


I can't really think of how this would be abused, sure an AR/sniper/designated marksman could downgrade at first chance by looting, but if they only wanted to run a "base" rifle they could do that through role selection.


Just a thought from a member of the Late Nite Low Pop No Logi Support infantry jerks. :)

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Define "base" rifles, and should anyone be able to pick up any primary ?


There are currently 2 sets of rules that govern what you can carry: the Arsenal restrictions and an extension of that with weapons you're allowed to pick up.


Anything you pick up will be removed when entering the Arsenal. This is all based on your current class, so the ruleset is quite extensive. What we could do is just get rid of the list of weapons you're allowed to pick up, and let anyone pick up any primary. That though will allow anyone running around with a DMR or an AR as any class, or even a Lynx. Sure, it'll get removed on respawn, if you'd manage to stay alive and get resupplied, you'd have yourself a CLS with a Cyrus, or a AUR with a Lynx ....


Could just allow people picking up any assault rifle, so they could at least stay in the fight until they have access to resupply or an Arsenal, that would make it a little less prone to abuse.




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I would be happy with the sugesstions above, it has happened a few times and would keep the door kicking going if you could recover a standard rifle so

3 hours ago, Whigital said:

they could at least stay in the fight


If it was simple and possible to impliment would it also be worth adding a MX to vehicle inventories?

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2 hours ago, MidnightRunner said:

I think if it were to be implemented allowing people to pick up only the standard assault rifles used by enemies/friendlies would be enough.


Yeah, I didn't have a good definition for what I was trying to convey, but by "base" rifle, I just mean the infantry rifles you can get as say a medic. I assume everything available to a medic in the arsenal covers all the infantry rifles carried by AI.  


So yeah,  don't allow everything to be picked up, just allow AR/DM/Sniper to pickup lowly infantry weapons on top of what they're already allowed.


Hopefully that makes sense.

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OK, I think I actually figured this out.  This example is for an AR, but similar would apply to Marksman and Sniper.  In ArsenalRoleRestrictions.sqf this is what's there currently for AR:


// Autorifleman
case _isAutorifleman: {
    _allowedWeaponsArray = (
        InA_AllowedArsenal_generalPistols +


The requested change would change it to this:


// Autorifleman
case _isAutorifleman: {
    _allowedWeaponsArray = (  
        InA_AllowedArsenal_generalPistols +

    _allowedWeaponPickupArray append {
        InA_AllowedArsenal_generalCarbines +


Edited by JJ Cakes
Maybe I can figure out SQF
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