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Announcing CHADS Revenge starting 18th June


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The next iteration of the CHADS will start this Friday 18th June.


The CHADS fresh from leave after their stint in Africa have gotten an aid contract in Chernarus. The local governement forces, backed by Russia are fighting against an uprising of local forces. Civilians have been hit hard and the UN has sent aid workers to the area.

The CHADS have been contracted to deliver this aid. However, since the events in Finland the CHADS have been looking for a way to get back against the Russians they have also taken secret contracts with the local rebel forces.


The CHADS will have to maintain the guise of the provision of humanitarian aid, while working covertly to undermine government forces.


Expect the brief for the first mission in the next day or so.


Factions involved:

Chernarus Local Government 

Rebel Chernorussians

Local smugglers

Serbian UN detachment




Arma 3 Preset CHADS Revenge.html





CHADS Revenge.pngchads_marketing3 (1).png

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