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Gamenight Request Thread & Guidelines (Updated 06/2021)


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Gamenight Request Thread


Submit your request here!


Things you should consider before submitting your request:

  • Requests must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance if using your own mission file, and/or an alternate modset/DLC.
  • If applicable, ensure you will have the mission file ready no less than 2 weeks before the date you request, in order to be tested properly.
  • You may be requested to participate in testing in the mission, make sure you will be able to accommodate this.
  • We reserve the right to modify your mission for admin or performance reasons.
  • We reserve the right to cancel, reschedule, or postpone your mission with notice, and will work with you on finding a suitable replacement date if applicable.


Procedure for a requested gamenight:

    Week 1: The mission concept will be evaluated by staff and an initial decision will be given via direct messaging (Forum or Discord). If accepted, we will expect to receive the mission file by...

    Week 2: Testing of the mission to be overseen by at least one staff member, who will work with the mission creator on any issues or concerns they have about the mission file. All of these should be addressed before...

    Week 3: We will give your mission publicity if final approval has been given after testing.  You make the post yourself in Events(it will stay hidden until approved by an admin) or the Event Manager will do it for you based on your initial request and any additional information you would like included. The event will also be placed on our calendar.

    Gamenight: Depending on the demands of the mission, it may be monitored by at least one member of staff and feedback will be provided if requested or necessary.  Overall performance of the mission will be evaluated, and "catastrophic disasters" may lead to a temporary suspension on submitting gamenights.


Scheduling Guidelines


In this section we have included detailed information on how we will accommodate gamenights or campaigns that overlap in dates. Any questions or concerns about these guidelines should be directed towards the event manager.


Terminology used in this section:

  • One-off : A one day event, that does not require multiple sessions to complete.  One-offs can have continuity from one mission to the next, but are not considered campaigns.
  • Campaign : An ongoing event that is scheduled on the same day of the week, for several weeks at a time, with continuity between missions.


General slot availability for popular days:

Wednesday: Community event / Frontlines

Friday: Staff event

Saturday: Staff event

Sunday: Community event


  • A maximum of two(2) community campaigns active at any time, to assist in scheduling.  Campaigns should be specified when making the gamenight request, and if the maximum is already active, you will be placed on a waiting list.
  • If multiple one-off gamenights are submitted for the same day, whoever submitted first gets the slot.
  • If a one-off gamenight is requested on the day of a community run campaign mission, the campaign creator will be notified, and their schedule will get bumped back one week to make room for the scheduled one-off. This can only happen every two weeks, so that the campaign can maintain continuity.  The campaign creator can appeal to the one-off creator privately, if they wish, but staff will not mediate this. We can however implement any negotiated scheduling that results from their discussion if both parties agree, and it follows all other guidelines.
  • If there are concurrent community campaigns on the same weekday, they will alternate weekly. The above guidelines for one-offs still apply, meaning it would be possible to be displaced to every three weeks, instead of every other week.
  • If a one-off cannot get their requested day due to first come first serve, they will be given priority on rescheduling to the next available spot on the calendar, including campaigns, following the above guidelines on campaign interruptions.
  • Community members can attempt to schedule their one-off event on days normally reserved for staff(Fri/Sat).  This will require a secondary approval process among staff and cannot be guaranteed.  Community campaigns cannot do this.
  • Community members can attempt to schedule their one-off event on any other days of the week(Mon/Tues/Thurs). This is generally not encouraged due to lower projected turnout.  If you understand this, and still want to go through with it, the event manager will make the final call on whether it would be a suitable mission to run during the week.


The Event Manager has final say on all scheduling decisions.

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