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Star Wars: Squadrons


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Is anyone else in this community playing Star Wars: Squadrons?🌟

  • If yes, comment below or feel free to add me on steam (noah_hero) so we can hunt down the rebel-scum together and bring order to the galaxy again.🙂😉
  • If no, enlist now because your empire needs you, pilot! Also I played it for about 66 hours and can absolutely recommend it.😍 At the beginning it may take a bit of time to get used to the controls but you can tweak all of them and change sensitivity, dead-zone, etc. to your liking. Furthermore, the story serves as a great and entertaining tutorial (just dont listen to the optional pre-flight-dialoges with your wingmates because they are rather cringy) with a very nice length.🙂
    So don't hesitate with buying and remember: https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/372b3bfd-2f40-42c2-bcf5-3e4053bd70b4
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