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Artemis Flight School


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So I have been a good Arti and practicing my flying in Editor. I can do the basics ok now I think.


I am just battling getting the chopper to land exactly how I want it to. How do I get it to land consistently on the pad each time? Or exactly on the LZ I want? Unless I am basically touching it, it’s out my field of view when I hover.

Also, someone did mention some tricks earlier in TS but I forgot to take you up on that offer! I am sorry. :( I got distracted with pew pew and gorgons.

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For me the best piece of advice is to use minor corrections. The most common error is to over correct which leads to a cascade of constantly over compensating and you then cannot get into a stable hover or movement. 


Try getting into your landing phase about a kilometre out.

When I was new I generally tried to have my final approach be as straight as possible, I then only had to worry about managing my altitude and speed.

The less things you have to think about the better.


Also check out 


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Thank you! I want to do a good job and help out, and I believe being a dependable pilot will add value. This document is awesome and will help a lot!


I am using a keyboard and mouse and won’t ever have a full setup sadly as this is just for fun. Though I did want to be a pilot as a kid and have logged my time in flight sims (with fixed wing aircraft - choppers are a whole new game).

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My tips would be, practice low flying, practice evasive manoeuvres, when training lay down random Lz's like a far Lz in an open field, next an lz mid range and an lz close and alternate between the type of place you land, also you can load some mods up and try various helicopters and find the one you're most comfortable training with, the helicopter I personally trained with in editor was the Wildcat from the British Armed Forces but you will know that from Arma vanilla as the Hellcat.

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I use keyboard and mouse as well! I do how ever also use track IR and a set of rudder pedals. I consider the rudder pedals optional but I could not imagine living with out Track IR anymore. I also fly using the standard flight model.


One of the most important things to learn is to reduce speed early enough to not gain altitude when slowing down or alternatively smashing into the ground too hard. This combined with the skill to transition into a stable hover is where it's at, like Midnight says small gentle movement to avoid over correcting and pilot induced oscillation is very important.

I meant to help you yesterday but got distracted by the kid (again). 

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if you are on when GAMBIT is on server you can always ask him for tips or I would gladly give some pointers next time I'm on server. Just glad to see people interested in learning to properly fly instead of playing a glorified game of lawn darts.


If you learn using ghost hawks they are they best to start learning with due to being between all the other choppers and a great middle ground between them all so adapting your techniques is easier for smaller and larger choppers is easier.

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Track IR helps a lot. I highly recommend it.


One thing that I believe wasn't mentioned. It helps if you have some horizontal movement when you land. I try to keep some 20-30kph in the final until I'm very low. Only then I drop the speed. Helicopters can land vertically, but it's very slow and you risk getting into vortex ring state.


If you are interested of flight sims and flying in general, you might consider buying a stick. I'm using T-flight hotas x. It cost around 80€ and I find it very good considering the price. I like to use pedals too, but that's optional.

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Thanks so much everyone! I am actually considering a joystick because as much as I suck right now, I do enjoy it and think it will be good to have for other games. Also my weak wrist won’t let me down as I have a terrible tendency to drift left when I descend. I had surgery two years back and have some muscle weakness which I have realized affects my flying. 

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