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CfgRadio Problem... Help?


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Hey there Ahoyworld Community,


I have a mission in the works at the moment and I am trying to add CfgRadio sounds so I can call them in the mission with a different script. Here is the code for CfgRadio:



class CfgRadio
sounds[] = {};
// Definition for each Radio Sound
//Briefing Chat Section
class brchat1
name = "brchat1";
sound[] = {"\clips\briefingchat\briefingchat1.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
titles[] = {Papa Bear, This is Argonautae, mission is a go.};
class brchat2
name = "brchat2";
sound[] = {"\clips\briefingchat\briefingchat2.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
titles[] = {Roger that Argonautae, just a word of warning... Be sure to destroy the communications tower before you destory the radar.};
class brchat3
name = "brchat3";
sound[] = {"\clips\briefingchat\briefingchat3.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
titles[] = {Roger that, Destroy the Communications Tower before destroying the radar.};
//Communications Tower is Down Section
class ctdown1
name = "ctdown1";
sound[] = {"\clips\ctdown\ctdown1.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class ctdownre
name = "ctdownre";
sound[] = {"\clips\ctdown\ctdownre.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
titles[] = {0, ""};
//Radar Station Destroyed Section
class rsdchat1
name = "rsdchat1";
sound[] = {"\clips\rsd\rsdchat1.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
titles[] = {0, ""};


A side note: In notepad++ there are indentations unlike what's above.


So here's the problem I have.

When I call in my first Radio Sound, I get a pop up like what you see here


But after I click 'Close' I can hear the sound clip no problem. So my question is: What's causing the popup to appear? How can I stop it?


If you know the solution, please let me know!

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Well the game's looking for a title variable within your class and not finding it, so it's spurting out that error.


Your CfgRadio definition checks out against the wiki, but the information there has most probably not been updated for ArmA 3. Your best bet is to check the syntax (and, more importantly, variable names) against existing CfgRadio classes. Open the Config Viewer in the editor and navigate to CfgRadio and check some of the defaults. It's most probably the case that they've changed the variable names from name to title or something similar.

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Okay, thanks Rarek.

I'll take a look and let you know.




== EDIT ==


I took a look in CfgViewer,

It appears that CfgRadio is not in the list but I still get the audio with radio effects from the radio itself if you have one.

This is interesting...

I tried to rename name and title (separately of course) and none worked. I am stumped!


Hmm I saw that in the Scenarios that Bistudio made, they implemented CfgRadio but I am trying to find the files like in a .pbo format or something. Ideas where to find them? So I can see how they made theirs.

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I finally found the solution! How you properly implement Radio Sounds in the description.ext is like this:



class CfgRadio
sounds[] = {brchat1, brchat2, brchat3, ctdown1, ctdownre, rsdchat1};
// Definition for each Radio sound
//Briefing Chat Section
class brchat1
name = brchat1;
sound[] = {"\clips\briefingchat\briefingchat1.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
title = Papa Bear, This is Argonautae, mission is a go.;
class brchat2
name = brchat2;
sound[] = {"\clips\briefingchat\briefingchat2.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
title = Roger that Argonautae, just a word of warning... Be sure to destroy the communications tower before you destory the radar.;
class brchat3
name = brchat3;
sound[] = {"\clips\briefingchat\briefingchat3.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
title = Copy that, Destroy the Communications Tower before destroying the radar. Argonautae, Out.;
//Communications Tower is Down Section
class ctdown1
name = ctdown1;
sound[] = {"\clips\ctdown\ctdown1.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
title = Papa Bear, this is Argonautae. The Communications tower is down, I repeat, Communications Tower is down. Over.;
class ctdownre
name = ctdownre;
sound[] = {"\clips\ctdown\ctdownre.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
title = Roger that Argonautae. Continue with your mission. Papa Bear, Out;
//Radar Station Destroyed Section
class rsdchat1
name = rsdchat1;
sound[] = {"\clips\rsd\rsdchat1.ogg", db-0.4, 1.0};
title = Papa Bear, this is Argonautae. The Radar Station has been destroyed. How copy?;


I suppose you all get a little sneak-peak at my mission communications :D

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