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Boolean checking in!


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Hey all! Boolean here, some of you may know me from the ArmA Servers as I've been playing on them lately. 


Anyhow, I'm finally signing up and joining the forums.


I love to program! I know Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, VB.NET, Python, and a little SQF (ArmA Modding)


Hope to see y'all on the battlefield, Over and Out.

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Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy yourself here and feel free to speak your mind in multiple topics around. And for the rest of the team who are too busy scripting I&A 3 and the such I say welcome on their behalf

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Welcome, boolean! I've heard good things. :)


I'll try and catch you sometime soon and go through what you can do. Glad to have you with us, bud. 


Glad to be here, let me know if you want my skype or anything. Skype is the best way of contacting me while I'm at work.

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Glad to be here, let me know if you want my skype or anything. Skype is the best way of contacting me while I'm at work.


Sure thing, laddy. PM me your Skype and I'll add you. The same applies to me.

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