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evening all!

Papa Hedge

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As per the nice welcome note, here I am waving greetings to you all!


So, as per suggestion, a little about me.....



The name is Adam, although I'm most commonly known as Hedge. Moved into my 3rd decade last year but still enjoying gaming!


I'm an ex console gamer (please don't shoot me!) but got massively bored with all the racism, loudmouth kids, crummy graphics and suchlike so ditched it and moved to the world of PC gaming. Fortunately though, I met Rarek during a long stint playing World at War...oh the fun times!


But bringing us all up to the more present time....I was considering buying Arma 3 for a while and a good friend of mine bought me Arma 2 to test out and give me an idea of what 3 is like etc. Long story short, loved it, bought 3, remembered I have Rarek on my Facebook, got in touch found this place, signed up and wrote this post!


Oh, and as a bonus, I'm a pretty avid Minecraft Player too!




So there you have it, a little about me


Hope to see some of you on the battlefield / MC world!




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Welcome welcome! Glad to see another minecraft player on the site :D


Chars! Got a couple of friends that I can hopefully bring over to play MC with us too at some point  :D




Welcome to the DARK SIDE  :ph34r:


Do we get cookies?!  ;)




Read your post, then switched back to minecraft. 30 seconds later you log on to the server. xD


Glad to see you like it here! Always good to see new members of the community! :D


HEHE! yeah you did seem a little surprised to see me so soon!





Your going to fit in well!

See you soon.


I think so to. The guys I've met so far have been great so only have high hopes for all the ones I haven't met yet!

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