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How to issue an order


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As the title says, this guide will teach you how to issue an order according to NATO-standards.

Note: No one expects you to know these things but it might be benefitial for understanding them and is certainly benefitial if you're any kind of leader and want to order your men to perform any task as the format doesn't change whether you are a general or a TL.


Therefore the linked PDF down below provides:

  • A guide on how to write an Order
  • The differences between Orders
  • Explanations of different Tactical Control Measures (TCMs)
  • A Layout example for an Order


Guide: Order Guide.pdf



Furthermore I provide a the layout example as word-document that can be used to write Orders there and then copy & paste them to the forums as the text-editing-capabilities of the forum are a bit lackluster but mostly capable of keeping the word-editing. (Everything written in Italics will obviously be replaced by information.)


Word layout: OPORDER.docx



Filled examples can be found in the current and previous operations section of the MSO-subforum as well as in the linked USMC documents.

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