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[Suggestion] Simple fix to helicopter ramming.

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So a popular grief is to take a hunter or any other large vehicle and ram it into helicopters whilst their trying to pick troops up from base. 


Simple fix, put some more H barriers around the landing zone, just too narrow to fit a hunter or other large vehicle through.

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They've done that on earlier versions of I & A. Not sure why they removed it. Maybe due to bugs?


I know even back then it wouldn't work entirely.


I, on the other hand, think that the best solution would be too make a script that would not allow ground vehicles in to the landing zone. Either by disabling the engines then respawning the vehicle, or teleporting it back outside to the vehicle bay.


Either way this has been a problem on the I & A game mode for way too long.

(Even all the way back since the ArmA 2 version!)

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I like SSG Connors idea, or automatically kick anyone that comes close to the area driving a vehicle?

If you are going with such autokick idea, do consider the fact that the vehicles could get stuck inside this autokick zone once the driver is kicked out of the server.

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If you are going with such autokick idea, do consider the fact that the vehicles could get stuck inside this autokick zone once the driver is kicked out of the server.

You could also at the same time reset the vehicle to the original spawn area I'm sure. I know auto kick is kind of harsh, but if they are blowing up barriers and purposefully trying to get vehicles where they are not supposed to be..... 

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