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Suggestion: priority target - Enemy Gunship?

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Interesting  :ph34r:


But can you expand on that idea Josh?? :)

 Firstly sorry Kam totally forgot to finish the topic off haha! 


And yes i can basically just like the mortar mission bar it spawns an enemy hind which can then fly about either the ao or the island causing havoc until it is shot down by a troop or airsupport. Could also add something like enemy reinforcements which spawns a KA filled with troops heading to the current AO. That's something i liked from ArmA2 domi was the reinforcements due to the radio tower being up and the enemy gunships which would attack ground troops and our airtransports. These both would be a nice addition to I&A.

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 Firstly sorry Kam totally forgot to finish the topic off haha! 


And yes i can basically just like the mortar mission bar it spawns an enemy hind which can then fly about either the ao or the island causing havoc until it is shot down by a troop or airsupport. Could also add something like enemy reinforcements which spawns a KA filled with troops heading to the current AO. That's something i liked from ArmA2 domi was the reinforcements due to the radio tower being up and the enemy gunships which would attack ground troops and our airtransports. These both would be a nice addition to I&A.

This sounds great :D

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This is basically what happened in the PvP server when the enemy CAS showed up. Friendly CAS rtb'd, and everyone on the ground would start freaking out and trying to shoot it down.


A noble idea, however it wouldn't be too much of a problem seeing as AA is available to everyone right now, the max amount of time an Mi-48 might be up is a minute or two.

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This is basically what happened in the PvP server when the enemy CAS showed up. Friendly CAS rtb'd, and everyone on the ground would start freaking out and trying to shoot it down.


A noble idea, however it wouldn't be too much of a problem seeing as AA is available to everyone right now, the max amount of time an Mi-48 might be up is a minute or two.

Ahh but the point is it applies a use for that AA... It's just something to cause more havoc... 

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Best way of doing this could be, put a timer on the destroy helicopter mission, if its not completed in X time, it takes off and circles where the hanger was for X time, then moves off to loiter around the AO.

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  • 3 weeks later...
This is basically what happened in the PvP server when the enemy CAS showed up. Friendly CAS rtb'd, and everyone on the ground would start freaking out and trying to shoot it down.


A noble idea, however it wouldn't be too much of a problem seeing as AA is available to everyone right now, the max amount of time an Mi-48 might be up is a minute or two.


This is true, But how many people carry AA as a part of their normal kit? Your general ground pounder would be forced into cover when one of these come past till someone RTB's & gets AA. Unless you have some people that would sacrifice Kit ammo room to hold on to a launcher full time.


An additional  to this would be for the chopper to drop troops in RANDOM places around the island. Those would then patrol an area until taken out (or leg it to the main AO) . This would then add the fun of random troops outside of the expected kill zone & make flying around or driving a bit more tense :)


LOVE the idea. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
This is true, But how many people carry AA as a part of their normal kit? Your general ground pounder would be forced into cover when one of these come past till someone RTB's & gets AA. Unless you have some people that would sacrifice Kit ammo room to hold on to a launcher full time.


An additional  to this would be for the chopper to drop troops in RANDOM places around the island. Those would then patrol an area until taken out (or leg it to the main AO) . This would then add the fun of random troops outside of the expected kill zone & make flying around or driving a bit more tense :)


LOVE the idea. 

Once people learn that enemy CAS will be showing up, almost everyone will begin to carry AA in order to take it down ASAP. You must remember, this is the pub server we're talking about, not the ACRE server, where we will most likely attempt to play our roles and outfit ourselves correctly. 


And a big no-no to the random dropoffs. If we have no idea where they're dropped off, and the squad dropped off most likely will have AA, you're going to find a lot of shot down helicopters, and a lot of pissed-off grunts. It may add some challenge, but it adds a hell of a lot more annoyance. 

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 Firstly sorry Kam totally forgot to finish the topic off haha! 


And yes i can basically just like the mortar mission bar it spawns an enemy hind which can then fly about either the ao or the island causing havoc until it is shot down by a troop or airsupport. Could also add something like enemy reinforcements which spawns a KA filled with troops heading to the current AO. That's something i liked from ArmA2 domi was the reinforcements due to the radio tower being up and the enemy gunships which would attack ground troops and our airtransports. These both would be a nice addition to I&A.

Sounds like a good added element to the game

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