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Hello from Deli


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Hello, im Deli and i've been playing the I&A AWorld servers for the last couple of months but havent really said much here on the forums!

I'm 27 and from Sweden.


I originally played OPF like ten years ago when it came out and was a big fan, but didn't really fall for Arma 1 & 2 since it had so many bugs so never played them for more than 10 minutes, then i found Arma 3 back in feb/march for 24€ and it was a given, so now i've played like 90 hours and all on I&A which says alot about both the game and the map since im usually bored after a few hours!


I rarely if ever speak on TS or VON, i mostly play when my gf is sleeping and door to door with the bedroom so don't wanna piss someone off, but i always listen atleast.


Great servers and i look forward to I&A 3 and some tweaks, gonna be awesome!



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Hello Deli, Good to also have you on the forums, seen you hiding in the grass on Stratis a few times before :)

I rarely if ever speak on TS or VON, i mostly play when my gf is sleeping and door to door with the bedroom so don't wanna piss someone off, but i always listen atleast.

Pfff yeah tell me about it, i had to learn this the hard way, and i can tell you one thing,..... it was really the HARD WAY :) hahahaha

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