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Mirrors Edge Returns!


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I can only hope that EA doesn't ruin Mirror's Edge. I loved the first game. 


Frankly, all they really need to do is eliminate most if not all of those confined 'vent' areas from the first game, and take out as much shooting that needs to be done by the player as possible. Hand to hand combat, yes please. Nothing more.


As long as this happens, Mirror's Edge 2 will be a great game. Many people couldn't care less about the story, seeing as the first's story was threadbare and yet everyone loved the game because of the parkour element. One of the few occasions where gameplay trumps story, and not the other way around.

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I can only hope that EA doesn't ruin Mirror's Edge. I loved the first game. 


Let me guess....:


- Good graphics, sucky directional game play

- Main character realesed in wheelchair with only 1 leg, the second leg is a paid upgrade, scheduled for next month but delayed forever

- Support,.... well that was not on the initial feature list, so sorry if we forgot to include this.



Yes EA and me are not big friends if you might understand :D

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Let me guess....:


- Good graphics, sucky directional game play

- Main character realesed in wheelchair with only 1 leg, the second leg is a paid upgrade, scheduled for next month but delayed forever

- Support,.... well that was not on the initial feature list, so sorry if we forgot to include this.



Yes EA and me are not big friends if you might understand :D

Yeah, I hate EA with a passion for what they've done to some of my favorite games (Mass Effect in particular   :(  )


But I don't mind them as much as long as they don't bastardize the games I like.

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I do love the original. The first game was like Marmite, some people liked it, others hate it. The people who didn't like it thought it was too linear and restricted, EA have said this one will be open world! :D 


I just wish they'd shown more parkour in the trailer. The combat was okay in the first game but the 1st person parkour was what made it so special. I also hope their R and D team have spoken to some traceurs before this one, Faith's climb-ups were a little slow :P  


I am exited and will definitely be buying on the release day but I'm hoping so bad they don't do a 'Sim City' to a game in my top 5. 

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Open world huh?



I don't know about that. I quite liked the linearity of the first game, like you had a set area to go through, but there were many ways of doing it.

If it was open world, I don't know how that'd work.

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I don't know about that. I quite liked the linearity of the first game, like you had a set area to go through, but there were many ways of doing it.

If it was open world, I don't know how that'd work.


I imagine they'll be taking some inspiration from the way Assassins Creed handles it's free running aspects: Get from point A to point B as fast as possible, where you'll be faster if you know the roof tops well. I think that will be very good so long as EA don't fall in the classic trap of dumbing down the game play to AC's level which seems to be popular among main stream developers these days (Don't get me started on Tomb Raider).

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The world of Mirror's Edge is a futuristic utopia-style city with modern designs though, all the high-rises and such. How would that work on the ground level? It'd really suck to be running around on streets. If it were open world on only rooftops or something?

Y'see how I'm sort of skeptic on how it'll all come together.

I guess I'll see.

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