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Editing the AW Invade & Annex Mission Parameters


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I donwloaded the updated beta version of the I&A mission and i figured that i could edit the parameters. I opened the mission dile in notepad and tried to fiddle with parameters like the number of enemy squad's or the Ao size. to my dismay any changes made would produce an error and 'crash' the game whenever i tried to launch the mission.


The error reads as follows:


Data file too short 'MPMissions\co40 AW Invade & Annex 2.87.4 BETA.Stratis.pbo'. Expected -1491509830 B, got 1513099 B


I would really like to edit this mission for in house use by my unit, yet either i am editing this wrong or there is some file protection (which i have no doubt in my mind that there is). In any case i would like to know how to overcome this issue.

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either i am editing this wrong or there is some file protection (which i have no doubt in my mind that there is)


There's absolutely nothing stopping you from editing the mission. What dePBO tool are you using?

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As far as I have seen, the I&A mission does not force or set a specific AI skill itself.

The unit skill is based on the difficulty setting of the server. (Recruit / Regular / Veteran / Elite) With recruit having the lowest of AI skill.

If you want to lower it even more, you can edit the Arma3profile of the server and change the default values.
The overall skill of the AI is based on the Skill and Precision values.
Skill (how tactical and organized the AI is) is set with a value between 0 and 1, 1 being the highest skill.
Precision (how accurate the AI is) is also set with a value between 0 and 1.


Here is the default values for the different difficulties:





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  • 2 weeks later...
Are you sure? I swear we've set those and they've made no difference what-so-ever.


I also have attempted to adjust these settings with no avail.  I even went as low as .05 on enemy precision and enemy skill to .20, with ultraAI=0 and they still turn and one shot me when I fire with a silenced weapon from 100m.  Would like a definite answer here.

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Nope, my fault, I went of off how its supposed to work and did not test it, apparently these settings are currently useless.



But there is a server side addon being developed by the community that allows setting the skill of AI, you could give it a try.


Check it out here: zeu_ServerSkill (Serverside AI skill setting addon with userconfig configuration)

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  • 3 years later...



Sorry to bring up this old post again, but with the new Jets DLC I would like to put the new carrier in I & A. The game mode is awesome, but with the new DLC's and still coming up, would be nice to put those in. Or do I have to recreate the whole mode with the tools you guys provided?

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