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Official Ahoyworld FTB server now open


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Ahoyworld Official Feed the Beast Server


Ahoyworld recently migrated the Unofficial FTB server over to the main server area

because of this it has now become the official AW Feed the beast server.


Server IP: mc.ahoyworld.co.uk:25565


The server is open 24/7 and contains its own rules separate from the vanilla survival server!


What is Feed the Beast?

Feed the beast is a Mod pack for minecraft that contains over 60 different modifications. These add a whole assortment of new blocks,

mobs, dimensions, machines and many other amazing things to spend your time working on.

To play you must have the feed the beast launcher which you can download from here.

The pack that the server runs on is the Ultimate pack and receives regular updates so watch here to keep up to date.


How to join

There is an active whitelist, meaning, to join the server you must be an active "known" member of the Ahoyworld community.

You must be registered on the website then be active on the forums for a while after this you may get in touch with

one of the core staff of Ahoyworld or any of the Minecraft admins (Proxima, Bufu) to be added to the whitelist.


Since Feed the beast contains many many different mods there have been a set of rules put in place to make sure that

everyone gets the most out of their playing experience.



We hope to see you all on the server




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