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[Suggestion] Ghost Hawks

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While the Ghost hawk is cool and all, i actually much prefer the little bird in I&A. Perhaps make it a  reward as opposed to the opfor chopper. it servers the same purpose. and its very unneeded having 3 of these on server at a time

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Is the AH-9/MH-9 still in A&I? (as reward?)


Try to fly these in mission editor with the current beta. Noticed anything different in taking corners for example? Input?


I've noticed a huge reduction in roll rate when using a joystick.  Apparently several tickets have been opened with BIS over this, my favourite quote about it - "It rolls slower than a 737"

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I've noticed a huge reduction in roll rate when using a joystick.  Apparently several tickets have been opened with BIS over this, my favourite quote about it - "It rolls slower than a 737"



Hope they restore the agility of the littlebirds like in Arma 2. 



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While the Ghost hawk is cool and all, i actually much prefer the little bird in I&A. Perhaps make it a  reward as opposed to the opfor chopper. it servers the same purpose. and its very unneeded having 3 of these on server at a time


I agree.

I think the the mission would be more balanced if there was less AA or if the ghosthawks where replaced with hummingbirds. You can fly them lower and more stealthier. :)

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