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[BW-35]John Targaryen


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In-game name when banned: [BW-35]John Targaryen

What message displays when you attempt to connect? multi TK -1m

Why do you think you were banned? Teamkilling

Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? Ive changed a lot in a year or so and I feel ive had plenty of time to think about what ive done and im not as toxic as I was when the ban was enforced

Which administrator banned you (if known): Mark T

When were you banned: year or two ago

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Hi @jvrr10,


the ban is indeed old and I'm going to trust you on having grown up and matured since the ban. I will warn you however any repeat offences will lead to an ban.


I also urge you to read the rules of AhoyWorld:



So welcome back, behave and have fun!



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