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Glad to be here!


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Been playing on the I&A Servers for a couple days, really enjoying it so I figured I'd join the forums. 

I'm fairly new, only been playing arma 3 for about 50 hours so far but have plenty of experience in milsim and arma 2. 

I enjoy being a medic, and I'm hoping to keep practicing flying so I can be a transport pilot / medevac:)

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Welcome, glad you are enjoying it. 


If you enjoy a more team oriented experience we also have modded ops running every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Friday is my slot, this week is the final Vietnam mission before changing campaign.

Our MSO team runs an OP on Saturdays

and currently Janxol is running his War for Altis campaign on Sundays.

You can find more info on these in the events section.


If you have any questions just ask.


See you out there,


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