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That sounds like great idea Paraclete :D
But it could course some problems a long the line, such as: To many squads on the server, some people (Trolls) will create a N number of squads, etc.


But overall interesting Team Work Tool :)

Edited by Ducky
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You got my vote for this!


Guys, this is seriously necessary feature for anyone who comes from A2/OA domination servers.

It's bloody hard to even get my friends to join because of their dislike of not being able to create a custom squad/group.


Can't you take a look at known concepts such as how Xeno did it before and create something similar? Or would that be considered plagiarism?

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Sounds like a great idea, this way people that like to play in a similar style can stick together, and whoever wants to do their own thing can do that too.

But how does this work in relation to role specific slots? what if a group of guys decide to take all the medic slots and group up? would that leave all the other groups/squads with no medics?

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Sounds like a great idea, this way people that like to play in a similar style can stick together, and whoever wants to do their own thing can do that too.

But how does this work in relation to role specific slots? what if a group of guys decide to take all the medic slots and group up? would that leave all the other groups/squads with no medics?


With the current group system, medics are running around the AO reviving people anyway, rarely moving with their own squads.

Grouping the medics into their own squad like the current pilot group could actually even help, as they could see each others positions more easily and spread out to cover larger area with medical support.


If some arses wanted to steal all the medic slots for their own purposes, they could do so with current system already. I don't see why anyone would though.

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