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Better building filling


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Hello World, 



I don't know if it's the same with you, but with me, the units appear in groups, grouped into the same building. 



So I found a script in @Achilles Mods which allows to fill and distribute the units in the buildings.


I tried several times to integrate it into "fn_mainAOSpawnHandler.sqf" but nothing works.


According to you, is this script adaptable in "fn_mainAOSpawnHandler.sqf" (in this //=================Garrison inf===========================) ? or is it in another file? Or is it just not adaptable?



I will try to create a new .SQF file calling this function. If anyone has an idea to adapt it, I would be grateful


// AUTHOR: 			Kex
// DATE: 			12/26/17
// VERSION: 		AMAE.0.1.0
// DESCRIPTION:		Teleports units to random positions in nearby buildings.
//					Preferably orients them in such that they look out of windows.
//					They won't be able to move away till forceSpeed is set to -1.
// ARGUMENTS:		0: ARRAY - 3D position from where the building search starts.
//					1: ARRAY - Array of units which are used for the occupation.
//					2: SCALAR - Building search radius in meter (default: 150).
//					3: BOOLEAN - Only use positions inside buildings (default: false).
//					4: BOOLEAN - Distribute units evenly over closest buildings (default: false).
// RETURNS:			nothing
// Example:			[position leader _group, units _group] call Achilles_fnc_instantBuildingGarrison;

#define GOOD_LOS			10
#define MEDIOCRE_LOS		3
#define EYE_HEIGHT			1.53
#define REL_REF_POS_LIST_HORIZONTAL		[[25,0,0],[0,25,0],[-25,0,0],[0,-25,0]]
#define REL_REF_POS_VERTICAL			[0,0,25]

// get arguments
params ["_AOpos", "_units", ["_searchRadius",150,[0]], ["_insideOnly",false,[false]], ["_fillEvenly",false,[false]]];

private _errorOccured = false;

// local function for checking whether positions are inside a building
private _fnc_isInsideBuilding =
	params ["_pos","_building"];
	_pos = ATLToASL _pos;
	_pos set [2, EYE_HEIGHT + (_pos select 2)];
	// if we have at least 3 walls and a roof, we are inside
	if (_building in (lineIntersectsObjs [_pos, _pos vectorAdd REL_REF_POS_VERTICAL])) then
		{_building in (lineIntersectsObjs [_pos, _pos vectorAdd _x])} count REL_REF_POS_LIST_HORIZONTAL >= 3;

// get all near buildings and their positions inside
private _nearestBuildings = nearestObjects [_AOpos, ["building"], _searchRadius, true];
private _buildings = if (_searchRadius < 0) then {[_nearestBuildings select 0]} else {_nearestBuildings};
private _pos_nestedList = [];
	private _building = _x;
	private _pos_list = [_building] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;

	// filter positions that are already occupied or not inside if "inside only" is true.
	for "_i_pos" from (count _pos_list - 1) to 0 step -1 do
		private _pos = _pos_list select _i_pos;
		if (count (_pos nearEntities [["Man"], 0.5]) > 0 or {_insideOnly and {not ([_pos, _building] call _fnc_isInsideBuilding)}}) then 
			_pos_list deleteAt _i_pos;

	// filter buildings that do not offer valid positions
	if (not (_pos_list isEqualTo [])) then
		_pos_nestedList pushBack _pos_list;
} forEach _buildings;

for "AO-GarrisonInf-%1" from 0 to (count _units - 1) do
	private _unit = _units select AO-GarrisonInf-%1;
	private "_pos";
	private _n_building = count _pos_nestedList;
	if (_n_building > 0) then
		if (_fillEvenly) then
			// fill closest buildings by distributing the units randomly
			private _i_building = floor random _n_building;
			private _pos_list = _pos_nestedList select _i_building;
			private _i_pos = floor random count _pos_list;
			_pos = +(_pos_list select _i_pos);
			_pos_list deleteAt _i_pos;
			if (count _pos_list == 0) then {_pos_nestedList deleteAt _i_building};
			// fill closest buildings one by one
			private _i_building = 0;
			private _pos_list = _pos_nestedList select _i_building;
			private _i_pos = floor random count _pos_list;
			_pos = +(_pos_list select _i_pos);
			_pos_list deleteAt _i_pos;
			if (count _pos_list == 0) then {_pos_nestedList deleteAt _i_building};
		_unit setPosATL _pos;
		// rotate unit for a good line of sight
		private _eyePosASL = (ATLToASL _pos) vectorAdd [0,0,EYE_HEIGHT];
		private _startAngle = (round random 360);
        for "_angle" from _startAngle to (_startAngle + 360) step 10 do
			// use angle finally if the line of sight is good
			private _relRefPos = [GOOD_LOS*sin(_angle), GOOD_LOS*cos(_angle), 0];
			if (not lineIntersects [_eyePosASL, _eyePosASL vectorAdd _relRefPos]) exitWith
				_unit doWatch (_pos vectorAdd _relRefPos);

			// use angle provisionally if the line of sight is mediocre
			private _relRefPos = [MEDIOCRE_LOS*sin(_angle), MEDIOCRE_LOS*cos(_angle), 0];
			if (not lineIntersects [_eyePosASL, _eyePosASL vectorAdd _relRefPos]) then
				_unit doWatch (_pos vectorAdd _relRefPos);
		// if we don't have sufficient building positions
		_errorOccured = true;
	_unit forceSpeed 0;

if (_errorOccured) then
	[localize "STR_AMAE_DID_NOT_FIND_SUFFICIENT_FREE_POSITIONS"] call Achilles_fnc_showZeusErrorMessage;


//=================Garrison inf===========================
[_AOpos, _radiusSize] spawn {
    params ["_AOpos", "_radiusSize"];
    private _grpList = [];
    private _milBuildingsarray = nearestObjects [_AOpos, ["house","building"], _radiusSize*0.5];
    sleep 0.5;
    private _milBuildingCount = count _milBuildingsarray;
    private _garrisongroupamount = 0;
	waitUntil {sleep 0.1; !isNil "MainFaction"};
    if (_milBuildingCount > 0) then{

        if (_milBuildingCount > 15) then{_milBuildingCount = 15;};

        for "_i" from 1 to _milBuildingCount do {
            private _infBuilding = selectRandom _milBuildingsarray;
            _milBuildingsarray = _milBuildingsarray - [_infBuilding];
            private _infbuildingpos = _infBuilding buildingPos -1;
            private _buildingposcount = count _infbuildingpos;
            if (_buildingposcount > 12 ) then {_buildingposcount = 12};

            _garrisongroupamount = _garrisongroupamount + 1;
            private _garrisongroup = createGroup east;
    		_grpList pushBack _garrisongroup;
            _garrisongroup setGroupIdGlobal [format ['AO-GarrisonInf-%1', _garrisongroupamount]];

            if (_buildingposcount > 0) then{
                for "_i" from 1 to _buildingposcount do {
                    private _unitpos = selectRandom _infbuildingpos;
                    _infbuildingpos = _infbuildingpos - [_unitpos];
                    private _unitArray = (missionConfigFile >> "unitList" >> MainFaction >> "units") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData;
                    private _unittype = selectRandom _unitArray;
                    private _unit = _garrisongroup createUnit [_unittype, _unitpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
                    _unit disableAI "PATH";
            [units _garrisongroup] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_addToAllCurators", 2];

            { mainAOUnits pushBack _x; } forEach (units _garrisongroup);
            [units _garrisongroup] spawn derp_fnc_AISkill;
            	_x setCombatMode "YELLOW";
            	_x setBehaviour "AWARE";
            } forEach _grpList;

            sleep 0.5;
    publicVariableServer "mainAOUnits";

[_AISkillUnitsArray] spawn {
    params ["_AISkillUnitsArray"];
	[_AISkillUnitsArray] call derp_fnc_AISkill;

[mainAOUnits] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_addToAllCurators", 2];
publicVariableServer "mainAOUnits";

	_x setCombatMode "YELLOW"; 
	_x setBehaviour "AWARE";
} forEach _grpList;

mainAOUnitsSpawnCompleted = true;
publicVariableServer "mainAOUnitsSpawnCompleted";



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Could you describe the issue you're having a bit more?  Because the code from fn_mainAOSpawnHandler.sqf you've pasted here doesn't allow groups to be spawn into the same building. 

Before answering your question I have to point out the following: Achilles is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike lincense.  Meaning that if you use their code you have to license their code under that license.  I&A3 is licensed under MIT.  So you'll have to explicitly license any file you put Achilles code in differently from I&A3.  So, you'll have no choice but to put that Achilles code into a separate file. 

Now for your question:

the goal of that Achilles function is to move an already spawned group into one or more buildings near a given position.  The I&A3 loops over a number of buildings in the AO and spawns a group (of max 12 units) in each one.  So is it possible to integrate that Achilles function?  Well, yes and no.  I wouldn't call it integration because of all the changes you have to make to make it work.  But you can most certainly get it working. 

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what I would like it is that the number of current unit is distributed in several buildings by covering a maximul the AO. The size of the groups has no importance, I just want to avoid a group of 12 men occupying a single house This is for working CQB techniques

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Well, in that case play with the following values in the AO spawn handler and you don't even need to integrate the function from Achilles:


On line 398: private _milBuildingsarray = nearestObjects [_AOpos, ["house","building"], _radiusSize*0.5];

Alter the *0.5 to how much % of the AO you want units to be able to garrison.  Currently units can only be garrisoned in the inner 50% of the AO, changing that value to 1 will make it the entire AO, changing it to for example 0.2 makes it only the inner 20% of the AO.


line 405: if (_milBuildingCount > 15) then{_milBuildingCount = 15;};

this value determines the maximum amount of buildings to be garrisoned and thus how many garrison groups there are.


line 412: if (_buildingposcount > 12 ) then {_buildingposcount = 12};

This is the upper limit of the amount of spots that will be garrisoned in a building.  And thus the maximum amount of units that will spawn in one building. 


You can additionally introduce a variable to keep track of the total amount of units actually spawned but that'll require a bit of editing.

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