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Krittar here!


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Recently got the game when mentioned by a friend, I like it so far. The server is great also- a lot of fun! Only thing annoying is hackers/team killers but hey.. can't get them all. I was never that great in the game because I mainly played DayZ in Arma 2, and that was shortlived also.. I'm looking forward to learning more and be more useful.


Not here to cause trouble so I hope I get along with all of you. Another name was also Kat, but I since changed to this.



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Welcome to the forum! And yea, today some of the servers had some problems with annoying team killers and scripters, but believe me it's not like that most of the time. And the server admins are awesome, most of the admins I know are jerks that abuse their power, but here they are just like any other player, they do a great job.


See you in the battlefield.

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Welcome! I've only been here a few days but so far I've really enjoyed my time with these folks. Everyone is extremely nice and helpful. I'm sure you'll fit right in! I go by my forum name in-game on the US Annex server so if you ever need help or just want to shoot some Opfor, lemme know! :D

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Welcome Krittar! If you like DayZ, youl love DayZ origins, hit me up if you want to play it sometime, it has underground dungeons, houses you can build that are protected, loads of new weapons, buildings and enemies. oh and you can customize vehicles :)

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