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In-game name when banned: PaperMexican

What message displays when you attempt to connect? Permanent ban reason: racism

Why do you think you were banned? Because of bad language

Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? 2 years have passed since I was banned

Which administrator banned you (if known): 

When were you banned: 2 years ago

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Hello @PaperMexican


you have been banned on July the 3rd of 2018 for using racist language in chat. Racism is not tolerated on any of the AhoyWorld servers or services provided, which is also stated in the rules of AhoyWorld. Quite some time has past since your ban and I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and trust you do not use any more racist language on our servers.


Here's a refresher of the general AhoyWorld rules. 


Ban appeal Successful.

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