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Serious Fixes Needed


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  • 2 weeks later...

me again :P

I checked the map out and when I Zoom in I cant loose control of the cusour. By which I mean it will keep pitching around the map... whcih is very hard to controle. The only way to fix adm is refreshing the page, but thats not useful.

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Oh. That problem is caused when the mouse moves outside of the map. When you move it back on, it thinks it's still pitching/zooming/dragging whaterver it was doing before. The only fix I know is to take care.

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One more thing. In the minecraft skin... Creepers have 4 legs! what is this travesty! Just kidding just thourght I would point it out... I imagine its too late to fix. Its also still one awsome skin and I would be getting rid of it because of the tiny error. Until we get an ARMA III skin :P

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The creepers are supposed to have 4 legs. :D

There's an ARMA / BF3 placeholder background. It's very short though. 'tis difficult to find good screenshots of ARMA that don't need to be viewed in widescreen.

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