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Hi! I'm Liz, or Lizminite and i guess i may have been noticed as a new fixture in the minecraft server :3 But i've just signed up to Ahoy world and i am a little shy, but i am sure i will open up at some point. I am the charming girlfriend of sir Proxima, who many of you will know, and he is the one who suggested i play here.

So i love video games, mainly i am an avid player of pokemon and minecraft, but i love RPG games and am always up for a good MMORPG. I also love shooter games, fighting games, i loooove the binding of Isaac. I love jump scare games, but don't really play them much due to the amount of noise i generate ;3 In general, i am up for playing any game, it is rare to find a game that i do not like, i usually just haven't tried it out.

I love manga, i love drawing, anime and i am a lover of good music (is there anything this chick doesn't like!!?!) Right now i am studying my A levels in: Physics, ICT, Religious Studies and Politics Studies and i have a part time job in a lovely supermarket called Waitrose, i enjoy it a lot.

I look forward to making lots of new friends and deafening you all if you play games with me! <3



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