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Community Update #8


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As you will be aware from the last community update, Mark has now stepped down from Core Staff, and the role as Site Owner. We want to personally thank Mark for his service, and what he has contributed to the community during his time as Core Staff and Site Owner.


In terms of an overall hierarchy change, we have scrapped the role of Site Owner, giving all members of Core Staff the responsibilities that the Site Owner had. Realistically, this will not affect any members of the community, and we want to place emphasis that it will be business as usual at AhoyWorld, and we look forward the opportunities that the next year will bring.


We want to thank the members of the community for supporting us, whether this is through donations or simply being here, as it's the members that truly keep this community afloat. 


If anyone has any questions for the Corestaff team we will be happy to answer them in the comments of this post. 


I will also take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas and a happy new year from Ahoyworld!


Yours Truly,

AhoyWorld Corestaff


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