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[Suggestion] Add a Rules billboard and a Tutorial billboard next to spawn

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Proposal : Create 2 billboards in front of the Helicopter pads that contains the rules and information via scroll menu.


Purpose : Hopefully, along with the map, People will be drawn to the billboards where they can learn basic ideals about the server, what their particular class needs to be doing, and other various things.


Suggested Rules Billboard Text : Scroll on this Billboard for Server Rules


Suggested topics in Rules :

- Server Rules

- Pilot Rules

- Squad Leader Rules

- Medic Rules

- Repair Specialist Rules

- Voice Over Net Rules (Might be contained in Server Rules)


Suggested Information Billboard Text : Scroll on this Billboard to Learn how to Play


Suggested topics in Information :

- Basic Pilot Information

- Basic Squad Leader

- Basic Medic

- Basic Repair Specialist

- How to play Domination

- Rewards for Side Missions

- Mortors and why they suck balls

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I like this idea but instead of calling them "rules" I would say "guidelines" or thing a player is expected to do depending of his class. I already posted something about this topic here http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/1269-suggestion-add-a-pilot-to-each-squad-remove-alpha-rifleman-at/#entry6700 The billboard with the mouse action is a great idea too, but im not too sure if new players will pay attention to that.

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Will see if i can task fergie on a nice simple JPG, following that ill add it in to spawn. Like kam said we've been discussing this internally but its good that you brought it up.


tell me what you want and I can make it pretty quick. I know my way around photoshop.

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Well since nobody reads the warning about staying away from the landing helicopters, I don't know how much of a success this would be.

A decent idea, though.

I dont think it is a matter of reading that billboard, but more of a matter of "i want to make sure I get on this bird!"


I read that sign every time I run out to the base LZ.

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I dont think it is a matter of reading that billboard, but more of a matter of "i want to make sure I get on this bird!"


I read that sign every time I run out to the base LZ.

I troll people who run out and crowd under my chopper, the place where I'm clearly going to land. I hover a few meters in the air, pitch forward and do a loop back around and land further away.

Or (Repeatz can attest to this) I land far away from the pads, pick up one person (Repeatz had been shot out of his heli and wanted me to take him to it), see the large mass of people running towards the only heli, and lift away when they're within 5m.

Lovely feeling.

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I don't think an ingame board is going to work, if someone turns down their settings it will be illegible and it requires someone to stop and pause at a point they are only focused on getting transport to the AO.  I think using the 'hints' to give players instructions for their roles and reminders every so often will be more beneficial.


If we are seeking teamplayers rather than individuals (even if they are doing their individual task well) I think we need an ad hoc squad system, this will mean that players will not have to rely on the lottery of free slots to get in a squad with the people they want to work with, as well as giving space to the lone wolves.

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I don't think an ingame board is going to work, if someone turns down their settings it will be illegible and it requires someone to stop and pause at a point they are only focused on getting transport to the AO.  I think using the 'hints' to give players instructions for their roles and reminders every so often will be more beneficial.


If we are seeking teamplayers rather than individuals (even if they are doing their individual task well) I think we need an ad hoc squad system, this will mean that players will not have to rely on the lottery of free slots to get in a squad with the people they want to work with, as well as giving space to the lone wolves.


True dat


tell me what you want and I can make it pretty quick. I know my way around photoshop.


I don't think so seeing as you told me my "mortors" suck balls.... They are a work in progress  i have a full time job  :ph34r:<-- I'm a ninja

Additionally i don't think so seeing as you called Inavde & Annex - Domination, that would be an error to p!££ everybody off

Coin for your offer though


- How to play Domination

- Mortors and why they suck balls

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True dat



I don't think so seeing as you told me my "mortors" suck balls.... They are a work in progress  i have a full time job  :ph34r:<-- I'm a ninja

Additionally i don't think so seeing as you called Inavde & Annex - Domination, that would be an error to p!££ everybody off

Coin for your offer though


Are you going to honestly tell me that you WANT to get blown up by the mortor? that was just a little joke that could be rephrased "Mortor teams and why you should hate them" meaning kill them NAO.

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Are you going to honestly tell me that you WANT to get blown up by the mortor? that was just a little joke that could be rephrased "Mortor teams and why you should hate them" meaning kill them NAO.

I'm sorry. I can't let this go on any longer. Mortar. It's mortar.


Also the mortars are effing great. Don't know what you're on about, apart from the few bugs now, but raz is doing his best to sort it out and I'm with him. (Possible tester, raz, just saying  :rolleyes:) I've rarely seen any intentional TKs with the mortar and, like I've posted in your other thread, most of the times it's ground troops not heeding various warnings.

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I believe what he was referring to is the opfor motar teams that spawn, not the blufor mortar emplacement. just saying :S

What I said still stands. They're good enough as-is, and I usually haul ass over there and force people to finish it ASAP. Seems that nobody really cares exactly where they're dropped off, as long as they're not fired upon and its not too far away, they'll crack on and finish the priority/side/main objective.

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