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Hello, I am KingScuba.


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I am Kingscuba, a member of TAW [the art of warfare].


I am a fan of playing arma as a simulator, so I enjoy playing in an organized fashion, and not dying. I am also an advanced rotary pilot, along with a basic fixed wing pilot.


The servers I currently enjoy playing are basically AW Invade + Annex US, and ACE in arma 2.

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I like the idea of having a pilot for each squad. But I think there wouldn't be 8 of each player, it would be 5.


8 players on each squad * 5 squads = 40 players


And that also leaves the mortar gunner and observer spots out.

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Why this suggestion? :.... The pilot can then simply play with his team when he lands, and blow up his helicopter, or help transport the downed medics to each team


hold on there, i don't think blowing up a helicopter on purpose is ever something a pilot wants to do.


IMO a pilot is a pilot, he wants to fly. it's up to squad leaders to arrange what transport the squad takes and where to rally if they're seperated. What would you do at the end of AO or side mission? escape>respawn


it's a nice idea of togetherness but i think a pilot should be a pilot full time

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hold on there, i don't think blowing up a helicopter on purpose is ever something a pilot wants to do.


IMO a pilot is a pilot, he wants to fly. it's up to squad leaders to arrange what transport the squad takes and where to rally if they're seperated. What would you do at the end of AO or side mission? escape>respawn


it's a nice idea of togetherness but i think a pilot should be a pilot full time

Moved my post brother, sorry :P


In reply to you, I would say the pilot can do whatever he wants. I blow up my chopper if I bust it personally, but I do what oyu say, I simply fly and dont fight. As it is right now, I cant be bothered to scream for 30 minutes for a repair specialist to come help me.


The pilot can choose to either roll with his team or keep flying, It would be personal choice. 7 members can move extremely effecient without the pilot.


And As it is right now, you can't rally your team and get them into a chopper. Someone will ALWAYS be left behind because people do not utilize their medic, they respawn as soon as they die, the medics dont do their job, a new player just joins... There's so many reasons.... the biggest one being the stupid little bird can only hold 8 players including pilot.

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Now that the thread transformed into an introduction, I welcome you to the forums :P


And i also welcome you to the forums, and moved this thread to the introduction section :)


It's good to have more pilots on board, and tactical players: maybe i will see you in the next gamenight ?

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Welcome to ahoy, KingScuba.

I believe the way to go with the pilot "issue" is to try to enforce a proper way to play. players should wait for medics, medics should do their job, repair specialist should be prepared to repair stuff if asked for, pilots should do their job and players should wait for transports (and not respawn as soon as mission is over). We have this pretty much going at a sort of acceptable level on the EU server, so I don't see why we wouldn't be able to on the US server.

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