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Arma 3 Video

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If you are referring to when you first connect, you get the AW intro video...

This is what you need to do...


Step 1: Make Video (preferrably save in a .wav file format)


Step 2: convert to .ogv file format (there are all sorts of converters in armaholic)


Step 3: Put video file in mission folder (C:\Users\NAME\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\ProfileName\missions\nameofmission)


Step 4: add this to your init.sqf file in the mission folder (if there isn't an init.sqf, go to notepad and save it as "init.sqf" on all file formats in your mission folder):

[] spawn {
scriptName "initMission.hpp: mission start";
["name_of_video_file.ogv",0,0,848,480,true] spawn BIS_fnc_titlecard;
Step 5: Now go ingame and open the mission and preview it and it should work!
That's it. If you have any questions, please reply to me via Private Message and I will get to you asap :)
- R. Berezon
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