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Ahoy matey's ....


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I'd be Bufu drifting around yarrr forums *cough* sorry just had to do that one ><

Anyways im Bufu, gaming adict since .... euhm well dunno its been to long, lets just keep it a long time shall we ;)


Got a long gaming history behind me, that included popular and less popular games, EVE-Online used to be the main addiction on that list being a more known and popular game, but also games like WoW, lineage II and other simular games.

The game was actually that awsome for me that i had to step away to prevent RL issues cause of it, but that is a whole other story best to not be told on here :P


A short while ago i landed back into the world of minecraft, witch in short version of the story brought me here cause my bro told me to give it a try :)


Also he was kind enough to point me into the direction of Arma, so who knows you might see me derping around there at some point aswell.

But for now il be around minecrafting, and figure out how that works around here, and by the looks of it ill be able to keep myself busy with that for a while before i grow bored of it ;)


Anyways, good to see you all, and i hope to stay around for a while and perhaps get to know some new people :P


Feel free to chat me up on TS or minecraft if im around, im might be a bit slow at typing sometimes but im always up for a good converstation ;)



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oi bro,


welcome on-board :) i"m sure Ahoy will be able to facilitate you in all your gaming need from Arma to MC, to whatever you wish to play. There's many versatile gamers about ere :)


See you about, and let me know how the Arma-lite is running on your pc :)

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oi bro,


welcome on-board :) i"m sure Ahoy will be able to facilitate you in all your gaming need from Arma to MC, to whatever you wish to play. There's many versatile gamers about ere :)


See you about, and let me know how the Arma-lite is running on your pc :)


Glad to be on-board bro, damn that was some quick shopping you did, or time just flys when you are having fun :P

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