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[suggestion] Option to hide wounded's markers

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I don't usually play as a medic (mostly cause the spot is always taken). When I played today, the medics were really bad, I died like 4 times and didn't get revived once. So when a spot got open I took it, and I think I did a pretty good job. I played for 90 minutes, got an score of 104, and only killed 10 enemies and 1 vehicle.


Anyway, what I found playing as a medic, is that wounded players markers can be pretty annoying. At one point, like 7 guys went down on the woods, and I couldn't see anything but those damn markers everywhere. It's already hard for me to spot the enemy, these markers make it harder :P


So my suggestion is to give the player the option to hide the markers. The medic role is already an easy class to make points quickly, the markers just makes it much more easier. I wouldn't mind if they were removed, I think it would balance the roles. The wounded players are still marked in the map with bright green color. Going even further, the map marker could be just approximated like 30~50mts. Let the medic find the wounded, it would make their job more interesting.

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or maybe set the range for them to appear to lets say 50m ? would that work for you too ?


That may make them a little less annoying, in the situation on the woods I commented, the players were all very close to each other and from me, so the cluster of markers would happen anyway. But yea, making them appear on a range of 50mts would be an improvement in my opinion, this will also make it more realistic since 50mts is close enough to get a good glance of the area irl. The range in which the markers appear now gives the medic superpowers. Personally, I'd like to see medic/repair spec markers removed completely and just use map markers.

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I think also that a set range before they appear (i.e. 50 meters) would be a great improvement as well. I do not personally think removing them completely is such a good idea. reason being, if someone falls in some dense area, or people are throwing a bunch of smokes, finding the players down are harder. the markers do help out a bit in this situation.

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I think also that a set range before they appear (i.e. 50 meters) would be a great improvement as well. I do not personally think removing them completely is such a good idea. reason being, if someone falls in some dense area, or people are throwing a bunch of smokes, finding the players down are harder. the markers do help out a bit in this situation.


And that's exactly why I'd prefer not to have the markers, having to find the wounded between bushes and smokes would be awesome, like with the "rescue the heli" mini mission we could have a "find the wounded player" mini mission lol :lol:. I understad most people may want to keep them, but they definitely need some tweaking, kamaradski suggestion sounds pretty good.

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Reduce the range distance & size of the marker, maybe a small blinky dot on screen when 50m away or something the markers take up and block a alot of space sometimes, same for Repair specs, leave the longer distance visable on the the map or GPS view only clear up the screen a bit 

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