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[suggestion] mobile HQ

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I was tossing this idea around in my head today. I am not sure if this was already discussed or tested yet but thought I would get everyones input on the idea.


Do you guys think that having something like this would be a good idea or not? I know the BTC revive system has a mobile HQ option that can be used. I think it would be a good idea for when the server is low population and no pilots are on. It would give a decent way to get to objectives that are very far away rather then having to drive each time.


Now I also know this could be a potential bad idea as well. It might make everyone not want to use the helis when it is deployed. Thus making the pilot slot not as enjoyable. I am not sure if there could be a way to make it active while under say 10 people are online and inactive when over that number. Or maybe only make it drivable by squad leaders. Maybe have a time limit on the re-use of respawning to it once deployed.


Again, I can see both positive as well as negative things with this. I just wanted to hear everyone elses take on it.


Thanks for reading.

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Maybe make this feature available when there is less than 10 players on a server?

e.g. script is active when there are less than 10 players but when that number has been exceeded, the Mobile feature is no longer supported.

This may make things easier for servers of low population. But that's just an idea.

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Yea I also was thinking that to myself at first. Because it is just a means for people to be reckless without having to worry. But that is why I was trying to think of a way that it could be implemented for when people really want to play but no pilots are available.


The best thing I could think of is having it available when less then a set threshold is online. Also maybe add a longer respawn timer on it, say 5-15 minutes. That would make people more cautious of where they park it (i.e. further away) so it isnt getting blown up by enemy. I also think that the time limit per use would be a good idea as well on top of all of that. Not sure how hard that would be to code in though.

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I though having enough pilots was the least of all problems when the server isn't full. In my experience the pilot slots are more or less the first to be filled. Rather, having too many pilots relative to the number of players is a more common problem by far.

By the way: The current map isn't that big. Using land vehicles to get around is not that much of a problem.

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As danne said, using land vehicles to get around the current map doesn't take long at all, maximum 5-10 minute drive time if you stick to optimal road routes.


I do however have a mobile HQ script already pretty much finished, but it needs some work. That's not to say it can't be used yet; I'm fairly confident we can throw it in and see how it works on a test server sometime. I'll put it together and test with danne sometime this weekend.

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As danne said, using land vehicles to get around the current map doesn't take long at all, maximum 5-10 minute drive time if you stick to optimal road routes.


I do however have a mobile HQ script already pretty much finished, but it needs some work. That's not to say it can't be used yet; I'm fairly confident we can throw it in and see how it works on a test server sometime. I'll put it together and test with danne sometime this weekend.


Ok, but what about when Altis comes out?

I think we might need that feature. I'm just looking ahead into the future.

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Oh another thing that I forgot to mention that this would help correct is this. (only cause it happened to me earlier and got frustrating)


As stated by a couple of you guys, it is not a huge map and driving to AOs/Objectives isn't that bad at all. But when you are playing with just 2-4 people and you take 1 hunter or 2-4 quads out to an objective it takes a good amount of time to complete. Before you know it you complete the objective and go back to your vehicles to move on........


Problem is.... there are no vehicles! they respawned because they were inactive.


Having a mobile HQ that does not respawn would alleviate this problem. Again, I am not pushing this at all just wanted to toss that minor problem out there since I experienced it first hand. Getting out there wasnt bad at all. not being able to get back without running the whole way sucks. lol

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I played on a mission where the squad leader could place "rally points", and then the squad members that respawned would go to a building in the base to teleport to the point, it was kinda cool.


Once Altis comes out I guess there will be some issues with transport, it's a huge map. Maybe when it come out, we could have multiple bases strategically placed around the map so it would take a maximum of 5 minutes to go to any place using a vehicle, and the player would choose on which base to respawn, or maybe he could only respawn on the bases closer to the squad leader. This will also give the pilots multiple places to refuel and repair so they can stay up doing transports or missions without losing time flying all over the map just to refuel.

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Ok, but what about when Altis comes out?

I think we might need that feature. I'm just looking ahead into the future.

Yes, that's why I made the script in the first place. ;-)

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