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Earplug.sqf - Hard coded activation key


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Hi there, 

I am attempting to modify the earplug script such that the users of our server can set their own activation key (IE: not Pause/Break) via the Use Action 1-20 custom keys. 
I am also very new to scripting and so I am having issues with this. 

The script uses displayAddEventHandler to compare the key pressed to Pause/Break (197) but I dont know how to reference the Custom Controls keys inside of that script. 

Any help? This is where Im at. The commented line is the original, and I am just attempting to have a hint show the number of the key pressed. Where do I go from here? I want the key to be set by Use Action 20. 

Thanks for any help! 


_UKD = actionKeys "User20";
//MEP_KD = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if (_this select 1 == 197) then {_this call earplugAction;};"];
MEP_KD = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if (_this select 1 == _UKD) then {hint str _UKD};"];


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Its actually not doing anything. No errors, and no hint display. I tried adding "actionKeys "User 20" directly into the displayAddEventHandler and I got an error saying the type was incorrect. 

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