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Sid Meier's Civilization® V: Gold Edition!?


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just wanted to bring something to all you guys' attention there is a Sid Meier's Civilization® V: Gold Edition is basically the base game and DLC for 29.99 normally the DLC would cost you about £50 for all of it so I think this is a bit of a steel if you don't already have the game.


Civ is a game I think many of us have played and had a great laugh with with some DLC maybe the experience can be rekindled! 

Already Have Civ V! "Just One More Turn"

If you have the game for £10 you can upgrade and get access to all the DLC!


I thought this was useful for you guys who I know have the game.

Check out Civ and the different packages here
See AW members playing Civ 5 Here. (It is rather hilarious! I recommend not skipping the bickering it gets kinda hilarious!)


If you have Civ or want to get it, I can give you a game its one of my favorite series of strategy games and you can literally spend hours playing it "Just one More Turn"


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Bought this during the Christmas sale. Cant remember what DLC's I got with it though. Is there a way to check on steam what DLC's I have?

Nevermind found it. Would appear I lack the Gods and Kings expansion. Is it still possible to play without that?

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Bought this during the Christmas sale. Cant remember what DLC's I got with it though. Is there a way to check on steam what DLC's I have?

Nevermind found it. Would appear I lack the Gods and Kings expansion. Is it still possible to play without that?


You can play a game with anyone who has Civ V they just have to specify which DLCs to use so yes you an play without gods & kings :)

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Ive been idling the other Games channel for a few days while i take a break from Arma :)


Just been running through a few quick games trying to get back into it all. The  Mongols are my new favorite, 

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