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First Mission Failing to Spawn: I&A v3.3.26


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I'm trying to set up a version of Invade and Annex on a small server, and I am having issues with the first mission failing to spawn correctly.


Symptoms include:
 - Task Notification popping up

 - Place name missing from task notification

 - Error logs when playing in multi-player through 3DEN


Here are some images of the errors, as I screenshotted them as they popped up:








If I can provide any additionl information, please do not hesitate to ask.

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31 minutes ago, Stanhope said:

You deleted the function fn_getAo.sqf which decides what the next AO will be.

Odd. I still have fn_getAo.sqf in my file structure in missionFolder.Altis/Functions/Location

I'm going to go on the AW server to get a fresh version, just to be sure.

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