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The Forest


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Oh shii, i wasn't expecting that end! haha, the part where he goes around with the lighter is quite nice.


Not sure if someone already posted this, but, lurking on TS I found out there's a member of this forum working on a game that is also in steam greenlight, he is noms.


I think this is his game homepage http://www.centration.co/

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These horror games all seem to just clone themselves off of Amnesia, I'd love to see one that is more about actual psychological fear rather than just running away from mutilated monsters. 

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This game looks great imo. I plan to buy an Oculus Rift, and this looks amazing. I love survival games that have a twist, this one being the mutants. I like the fear of something unnatural out and about. If there is an open world in a creepyish setting, I like for there to be something creepy in it. Looks awesome and am going to buy when it comes out ^^

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This game is seriously messed up.  Bought it at the weekend, played for 45 mins yesterday and now I have PTSD.


Be aware that this is an a very rough alpha and has issues with performance, a total lack of controls list and some strange issues with objects (flare gun has infinite ammo and switching weapons often produces a copy on the ground or glitches the two together in your hand).  However it was very atmospheric and looks to be a good starting place of the development of the game.

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