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Reviving/dragging bodies while prone

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I don't know if this is possible, or if you guys are even interested on it. Something that always makes me rage, when I am playing as a medic and theres someone wounded on the ridge of a hill, I drop 4 smoke nades, go prone 20 mts from the wounded and get closer, then when I drag him my characters gets up and I immediately get shoot.


I was thinking, being able to revive someone while prone may be too much, but we could be able to drag people while prone. Maybe add some limitations, like making it 3x times slower than normal drag, or have a distance limit and make the character stand up after 10 meters or so, that will allow people to drag others out of danger without getting on suicidal positions.


The closest IRL tactic I could find:



Tie the casualty's hands together with material that will not cut his wrists, such as the casualty's field dressing or a cravat. Do not tie the materials tight enough to interfere with blood circulation. If the casualty is conscious, have him interlock his fingers.

Face the casualty's head and straddle his hips on your knees.

Loop the casualty's arms around your neck.




Crawl forward on your hands and knees, dragging the casualty beneath you.


CAUTION: If the casualty is unconscious, keep his head from dragging on the ground.

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Here is an accurate description of a combat medic and its roles and resposibilities take a look




Here is a couple videos of Combat medic in action






Oooorahhh! For Sgt. Mike the perfect depiction of a combat Medic, and how we do it in real life!

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remove animation => add pveh / attachto. Looks silly, but provides more physical security on the battlefield of course.


But this modification sounds kinda trivial. I'd say try it first with real life chain of command.

  • Scope the 500m - immediate range , from a distance to the injured.
  • Provide a smoke screen in to the assumed direction of the enemy forces.
  • Get some supportive fire action goin to distract the enemy, actually doesn't work that well against AI in games, since they don't dive/prone while getting fired upon.
  • Extract your guy.
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remove animation => add pveh / attachto. Looks silly, but provides more physical security on the battlefield of course.


But this modification sounds kinda trivial. I'd say try it first with real life chain of command.

  • Scope the 500m - immediate range , from a distance to the injured.
  • Provide a smoke screen in to the assumed direction of the enemy forces.
  • Get some supportive fire action goin to distract the enemy, actually doesn't work that well against AI in games, since they don't dive/prone while getting fired upon.
  • Extract your guy.


Some (untested) code to better explain myself:

//this would go somewhere before the crouch drag animation kicks in
_maxDragDist = 5; //Maximum distance in meters that a player can drag someone
_initialPos = getPos player; // Get initial position
//if player is in prone position while starting to drag, wait until X distance moved until crouch dragging animation kicks in
if( animationState player == "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon" && animationState player == "AmovPercMstpSrasWpstDnon" ) {
    waitUntil {player distance _initialPos >= _maxDragDist};

I really don't expect this to be implemented or anything, I was just mad when I posted this thread because I got kill in that situation a few times that morning :P


And aciid, I agree with that procedure, and the problem, as you said it, is that AI doesn't react to suppressive fire (at least not without some scripting), even when sometimes I like to believe it does and fire fully auto covering a medic, most of the times I end up having to be rescued by the medic I tried to cover haha.

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Don't currently have access to the game and therefore don't have access to the Animation Viewer); are these animations actually in the game?

The only dragging animation is the crouch one I believe, my idea was to just attach the wounded to the player while he's prone, and then play the normal crouch dragging animation once he moved X meters.

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