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Praise Kek, wazzaaap fellows its Diilicious.


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Now, as far as im aware I didnt make a intro topic way back when I actually joined, in 2015... though search functions are beneath me!


My name had been Unit for a long time (around 8 years), so thats why my name is like that. since my name is Dii i thought id be a funnybugger and make a nice name pun. I have used this name in planetside 2 where ive played for over 6 years. 


Ive played most of my gamey shooting career in Command and Conquer: Renegade, online on the Jelly server before it went under, I typically play games where i can drive tanks been doing it for about 16 years in various games from the aforementioned renegade, to world of tanks, planetside 2 etc.


Tanks are absolutely my jam, I can shoot fine but i prefer to drive in all honesty, 90% of a good tankers work is simply positioning. 


I enjoy flying in this game and do find it fun to shuttlerun with a ghosthawk or mowhawk if available.


Hoping to get back into playing Arma 3 again, it was quite a lucky i found this server, I was scrolling down the server list, being in general despair at just how many role play servers there were and they were all full, in comparison to everything else, and i saw this server name and i was like "hey... i remember that name? dont i??" so i joined and sure enough my memory isnt quite as bad as I thought.


Glad to meet you's

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