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Ahoy Chaps!


We've almost reached that time of the year again, the festive period is all about giving and sharing with others.

As such, I have decided to give back to the community.


From the until 23rd December 2018 until the 30th December 2018, I will be giving 10 free gifts to the members of this community.


To qualify, all you need to do is post one screenshot or video that summarizes your Arma 3 experience in 2018.


You must also meet the following requirements;

1. Be a member of the AhoyWorld forum.

2. Have at least 40 hours across all AW servers.



Those of you selected for the giveaway will have the choice of the following rewards;

    - An Arma 3 DLC bundle of your choice (See Steam DLC Marketplace)


    - £10 Added to your Steam wallet.



Thank you for your time gents and enjoy the rest of this festive season!

- Jenkins

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13 hours ago, JailbaitJenkins said:

post one screenshot

One screenshot to rule them all, one screenshot to find them,
One screenshot to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.



then it has to be this one :













dont count me in on this,i m rich enough already - but i had to ...


Also,this is just a cheap shot for getting STEAMfriends and has nuttin to do with being benfitial to humanity at all,right ?

You need a friend ? Buy a dog !





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I think Johnson's video sums up the experiences on the late AWE/EU3 Server from end to dawn. 






^ - Also this nice screenshot from the amazing Serbian gamenights hosted by Johnson, effectively giving AWE one last hurrah.




- I just felt like posting them. Don't bother counting me in the giveaway otherwise I'd just give it to someone else. :P 

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Since it would be very rude to ignore such a generous offer, here is the USS Democracy (DDG-136) launching a Venator cruise missile using its Mk41 Vertical Launch System.

In the background: USS Liberty (DDG-131), typeship of the Liberty class, also launching a Venator, and DDG-137 USS Micdonals.178249983_Bild3(Bearbeitet).thumb.png.4484394ddde1e532b06e33b253bb796f.png


Does this picture summarize my Arma 3 experience in 2018? Let's see...

  • Was it created in the editor using only vanilla assets? - ✔️
  • Does it use scripts? - ✔️
  • Did it take a ridiculous amount of time? - ✔️(three hours)
  • Will it never see the light of the Steam Workshop? - ✔️
  • Did I enjoy this? - ✔️

Yup, defenitely my Arma 3 experience.

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I didn't choose the names, BIS did. The carrier is named USS Freedom and the Liberty class ships have the following selection of hull names (textures) available for their customization:

  • Liberty (a3\boat_f_destroyer\destroyer_01\data\destroyer_01_tag_01_co.paa)
  • Virtuous (a3\boat_f_destroyer\destroyer_01\data\destroyer_01_tag_02_co.paa)
  • Constitution (a3\boat_f_destroyer\destroyer_01\data\destroyer_01_tag_03_co.paa)
  • Valor (a3\boat_f_destroyer\destroyer_01\data\destroyer_01_tag_04_co.paa)
  • Glory (a3\boat_f_destroyer\destroyer_01\data\destroyer_01_tag_05_co.paa)
  • Democracy (a3\boat_f_destroyer\destroyer_01\data\destroyer_01_tag_06_co.paa)
  • Micdonals (a3\boat_f_destroyer\destroyer_01\data\destroyer_01_tag_07_co.paa)

The DDGs can have (almost) any three-digit hull number assigned and fly any flag texture from the game files, but unless you make your own texture, your ship can only have one of those names (or none).


Long story short, my choice was limited ?

I'm glad you like it though!

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Congratulations to the following members:


 1.) @Colby

 2.) @D.Devil

 3.) @Noah_Hero

 4.) @TheScar

 5.) @Minipily

 6.) @Johnson

 7.) @ansin11

 8.) @Igor


As there was less than 10 giveaway participants, the remaining prize pot will be shared equally among the winners.


Thanks for taking part!

- JJ

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