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Invade and Annex Custom Quesitons


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I'm looking to make a custom Invade and Annex mission for my private server. I want to gut every single script besides the objective ones, so the side OBJS, the main AO, and the like. I want to remove the earplugs, vehicle rearm system, TK system, etc; any script that isn't related to the generation of the AOs. Problem is that I do not even know where to start with doing this.


I also want to add in custom RHS units, though that is at the bottom of the priority list compared to removing all the scripts.


I have seen this thread and this thread but there wasn't any information that I could use to complete the process or even getting anywhere close. I am using the most recent IA version on Altis, 3.9.9. I'd just like to know where to start and how to go about doing something like this


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1 minute ago, kellz said:

 I am using the most recent IA version on Altis, 3.9.9.

Latest version is 3.3.10 which should've gone live on the servers today I think.


2 minutes ago, kellz said:

remove the earplugs

InitPlayerLocal.sqf line 44:  [] execVM "scripts\misc\earplugs.sqf"; < remove that


2 minutes ago, kellz said:

vehicle rearm system

Remove the ingame triggers that call the scripts in Invade_&_Annex_3_3_10.Altis\Scripts\vehicle and alter Invade_&_Annex_3_3_10.Altis\Functions\Base\fn_BaseManager.sqf to remove references to those triggers.


4 minutes ago, kellz said:

TK system

In initplayerlocal remove lines 5 to 39.

In Invade_&_Annex_3_3_10.Altis\Functions\revive\fn_handleDamage.sqf remove all the remoteExecs of AW_fnc_killMessage and you can delete that function as well.


Let me know which other things you want to get rid of but can't get rid of on your own :)


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Oh yea, forgot to mention: to change the units over to RHS you'll have to edit the following files:






All those files have some mention of a vanilla unit you'll have to replace by RHS units. 

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So far so good. Next on the list would be the arsenal restrictions, the revive system, weapon sling, and the role-specific items and abilities (such as only pilots can fly helicopters or restricting certain weapons or equipment to certain in-game roles). I'm sure there are more, but these seem to be the last of the bunch that are important to remove for what we want to do. Thanks for your help again.


A side note and not relevant to the above, I'm surprised ahoyworld has not simply released a template without all the scripts present as-is. I realize that ahoy can do whatever it pleases as it is their scenario and mission, but with how often it gets asked, it'd just make the whole process easier. 


EDIT: the bluforce tracker that shows friendly POS on map I gotta remove too.

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Remove [] execVM "scripts\misc\QS_icons.sqf"; from initplayerlocal for the blufor tracking, remove anything that says derp revive from all the inits and the onplayerrespawn, weapon sling is called in onplayerrespawn with ["Respawn"] spawn AW_fnc_slingWeapon; and for pilots remove

player addEventHandler ["GetInMan", {
    [] spawn AW_fnc_restrictedAircraftSeatsCheck;
    [] spawn AW_fnc_restrictedGunnerSeatsCheck;

player addEventHandler ["SeatSwitchedMan", {
    [] spawn AW_fnc_restrictedAircraftSeatsCheck;
    [] spawn AW_fnc_restrictedGunnerSeatsCheck;

from initplayerlocal.  Role specific items are done by the arsenal, you can either make an open arsenal or remove the arsenal all together.  The arsenal is called with

_arsenalDefinitions_handler = execVM "Scripts\arsenal\ArsenalDefinitions.sqf"; from initplayerlocal, more code follows that is also related to the arsenal.

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All the above is done and working flawlessly except for the RHS units.


I've gotten the vehicles in game; easy enough. Getting the actual infantry groups into the main AO was something else; I attempted to put them in but they simply didn't spawn. How would you go about adding them in? For reference, I've only tried this in Invade_&_Annex_3_3_10.Altis\Functions\AI\fn_mainAOSpawnHandler.sqm


EDIT: I've removed the lines that in initplayerlocal related to the pilot restriction, but it is still happening. Not sure why.

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7 hours ago, kellz said:

I've gotten the vehicles in game; easy enough. Getting the actual infantry groups into the main AO was something else; I attempted to put them in but they simply didn't spawn. How would you go about adding them in? For reference, I've only tried this in Invade_&_Annex_3_3_10.Altis\Functions\AI\fn_mainAOSpawnHandler.sqm

How are you adding them into that file?  Currently they're being called via the missionconfigfile. Now that contains a path to where the vanilla groups are defined, you'll need to redefine that to where the RHS groups are defined. 


7 hours ago, kellz said:

I've removed the lines that in initplayerlocal related to the pilot restriction, but it is still happening. Not sure why.

You've got to ask that to @ansin11, he completely reworked that since I last touched it. 

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17 hours ago, kellz said:

A side note and not relevant to the above, I'm surprised ahoyworld has not simply released a template without all the scripts present as-is. I realize that ahoy can do whatever it pleases as it is their scenario and mission, but with how often it gets asked, it'd just make the whole process easier.

Because I & A is not a clean, organized enterprise project. We're not using version control and we ignore a lot of software engineering standards. We should probably change that. But then again I have no idea how they did it in I & A 4 and how far they are with it, so maybe we are doing it by now.


As for AW_fnc_restrictedAircraftSeatsCheck, it (should) only be added to the two Event Handlers Stan already mentioned, so if you removed those two lines, you should be fine. Did you save your changes and restart the test run? The GetInMan and SeatSwitchedMan Event Handlers stick to their unit even after respawn.

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Yeah, I've removed the lines from the appropriate file for the seat restrictions but no dice. Still not working, and I've restarted a dozen or more times. Does the same on our dedi server. Is there a way to just assign someone as a pilot without naming them  "Pilot" in their role? That'd work just as good if it is possible.


Also, I'm having trouble removing the revive system fully. I have insured that any mention of derp_revive or revive in general is out of all of the inits. The revive system itself doesn't seem to execute, so it's out, but it also seems that it still interferes with ACE. I am not able to use ACE,  ACRE and a few other mods in the server. I figured it might be a mod conflict, but I then just deleted the entire revive folder to see if I could then use ACE and ACRE and it worked fine. Is revive being called / executed from somewhere else?

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Well then just either

  • delete or rename [...]\Functions\SeatRestrictions\fn_restrictedAircraftSeatsCheck.sqf


  • remove
    class restrictedAircraftSeatsCheck {};
    from [...]\Functions\cfgfunctions.hpp

and have a look where the now undefined function generates errors. Isn't this the obvious way to go when removing something?

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